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The back door to my shop slams open, and my head snaps up, narrowing on the wood in confusion before I move my gaze around the shop.

Nothing makes a noise, not even the wind whispering it's usual secrets and my heart thumps once in my chest, the feeling echoing in my ears and I drop the cards I was sorting, walking around the other side of the counter towards the door, my fingers flinching along my thighs in agitation. The serpent twined around my wrist starts to make her appearance and I will her to stop, to hide.

I glance at every shelf as I pass, trying to see through any glamour that could possibly be surrounding me, while also checking that all my little bones and trinkets are still in their places.

I reach the door in a few steps, stopping just at the threshold and lean forward, peaking out the exit one way and then the next before reaching for the handle, pulling the door shut.

I stand there for a few seconds, still feeling out of place, my head turning slowly to my side, staring through the waterfall of beads that block the entrance to the room, feeling the coolness of my back in stark contrast to what is hidden below that room.

I breathe out, shaking my head and step away from the back door, spinning to go back towards my cards when the door slams open again and I spin, coming face to face with Hawke.

He looks down his nose at me, a sneer curling his lips and I raise a brow, glancing over his shoulder for Lycus or Jameson.

"They're not with me." Hawke answers the unasked question, walking past me, lingering in the middle of my shop.

I follow him with my gaze as I curl my hand around the handle and pull the door shut once more, turning my back to it as I eye the enforcer taking up my space.

"What are you doing here?" I mutter, finally making my way back behind the counter, my fingers twitching as I take ahold of the stack of cards once more, straitening them before I look up at Hawke with raised brows, finding his eyes already on me.

"I haven't seen Lycus today." Hawke mutters, stepping towards me, the only thing stopping us from being toe to toe is the counter.

I crane my head back the slightest bit to look at him, "I haven't seen him since last night."

"You mean, since you fed from him." Hawke says, not bothering to hide his disgust.

I laugh lowly, shaking my head, "Yes, since I fucked him."

Hawke sneers, pushing away from the counter. "Him and Jameson aren't answering their calls."

"What does that have to do with me?" I prop my hip against the counter, feeling my skirt fluttering across my ankles with delicate strokes.

"You were the last person to see Lycus." He informs me, looking at me like I've done something to his partner.

I narrow my gaze. "I left him at his apartment. If he's not there then I don't know what to tell you." I say even as I feel my own fear consumes me, scared I possibly took too much from him last night.

I blink away from the thought, knowing without a doubt I left him alive when I left.

I know when to stop and I wasn't going to kill someone again, just to feed.

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