Chapter 31-40

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Chapter 31: The Weak Have No Right to Speak

“Why?” echoed the examiner with a cold smirk, “Do any of you have the right to ask?”

Han Jijyun was not flustered by the examiner’s rebuttal. With his usual level-headedness, he said, “Isn’t the test over? The examiner at the start had stated very clearly that once we reached the finish line, the speed and stamina test would be over. So we have the right to refuse your command.”

Han Jijyun knew that everyone was already on their last legs — some were even having trouble standing, only staying upright out of sheer bullheadedness. Leaving aside attacking the examiner, they may not even be able to take even one more step.

The examiner looked at Han Jijyun, and there was a trace of approval in his eyes. This child was calm and analytical, not easily swayed by an opponent’s show of force. In addition, he could defend his stance with evidence, displaying solid logical thinking, and was good at catching on to key points and discovering the logical flaws in other people’s speech. Overall, a good candidate for a military strategist.

Still, no matter how much he admired Han Jijyun, he wouldn’t change his mind. With a mocking smirk on his face, he said, “Brat, let me teach you all the first rule you need to know to survive in this world — the weak have no right to speak.”

He swept a critical gaze over the angry children, and ten pairs of fierce and stubborn eyes stared right back at him. He was satisfied — if they hadn’t been angered by his words, then their parents would have raised them in vain.

When the examiner’s gaze swept over Ling Lan, he couldn’t suppress a soft exclamation — Ling Lan’s eyes were the calmest among the ten children, still like dead water, deep and unfathomable. Was he scared silly? Or had he seen through the ruse? Or perhaps he was just unmoved by all this? The examiner frowned, and watched Ling Lan thoughtfully for a beat or two.

What the examiner didn’t know was that his gaze filled with killing aura was completely ineffective against Ling Lan. Remember, Ling Lan had grown up under the crushing pressure of Number One’s presence. In contrast, this kind of superficial scare tactic was really nothing to Ling Lan.

Reining in his curiosity towards Ling Lan, the examiner’s face turned sly, and with an evil grin on his face, he said, “You all can choose to ignore my command. However, your results for the speed and stamina test … well, sorry, you will all fail.” His killing aura dissipated as he said this, as if it had never been there to begin with, but his words were cruel, casually threatening to destroy the children’s dreams and ambitions.

These words caused the faces of all the children in Ling Lan’s group to fall. They had come brimming with confidence to enrol in this top-ranked scout academy, not to return home with their tails between their legs.

“We have the right to submit a complaint.” The expression on Han Jijyun’s youthful face was frigid; he was indeed an extremely intelligent child, but no matter how smart he was, he was helpless against this sort of irrational bullshit. His chest felt choked with rage; this was the first time he had experienced the futile anger of the weak and downtrodden.

“No, no, no! Didn’t you all read the examination rules? Any child who complains or protests will have their results thrown out for this year — Could it be that you all would like to wait and try again next year?” The examiner laughed as he shook his head, strolling over to stop in front of Han Jijyun, where he then bent over slightly to look the boy in the face with mocking playfulness. With deliberate slowness, he bit out a word at a time, “Smart little repeat student!”

This expression, these words, and this sort of dismissive look — it was all just too infuriating. Damn, this examiner was just asking to be beaten up.

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