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Arc 1: Reincarnation

"Because to die, one must first live"


Elias dies by jumping off the roof, suicides. I might change a bit of the intro, otherwise it stays as is.

She is reincarnated. As Camellia.

The names of her family, especially her brother, she found extremely familiar. But she dismisses it as coincidences. After all, her brother is so sweet, he definitely wouldn't become some cryptic, fake-ass ice prince.

(She's also desperate for a nice life for once, and what she was given is too good for her to ignore it.)


Acting cute was a little too effective. Now I'm getting what I asked for and what I didn't ask for. Seems like the acting skills I had in my past life are too overpowered here. Pretty much everyone in the palace fawns and loves me...

Guess deception is always useful, in a world of magic or not.

I'm not exactly complaining, but attention can get pretty tiring.

...should I pretend to fall asleep? That's the only way they'll finally shut up.

A knock shushed the traffic light maid triplets- because they have red, green and blonde hair. No, I didn't catch their names. Why would I remember the names of people who annoy me on a daily basis?

"Greetings to your Majesty, King Levin." The three chorused at the same time, their demeanor switching from excited to composed in an instant (Impressive). They curtsied low, holding their billowing black skirts as a handsome man clothed in blue, with blue features entered the room.


"Da!" I flail my arms upon hearing the familiar warm and deep voice of my Dad. My savior! Thank goodness you're here! Of course I couldn't articulate all that so I just said "Da! Da! Da!"

"Camellia, sweetheart." He scooped me up into his steady arms, giving me a radiant smile I couldn't even hope to match. Ugh. Again with the anime character vibes. "How are you?"

Horrible. I was almost driven insane.

I closed my eyes and snuggled closer. It was warm and safe. And peaceful. Oh finally, peace and quiet.

I missed you.

"I'm glad you're well, sweetheart. I missed you too."

Of course you did. I couldn't help the smug smile on my face. I'm your cute daughter aren't I?


"Greetings to your Majesty, King Levin! And your Highness, Princess Camellia!" A loud shout startled me out of my daydreaming. It came from a blur of silver- which using my amazing deduction skills I knew was as a knight. I felt a warm hand smooth over my back to console me- Dad sensed my jolt. I didn't cry though, instead smiling and waving at the knight that opened the door for us.

Please don't be so loud next time thanks.

The moment the flowery fragrance hit me, I sighed.

All I could see was sky blue, grass green and various hues of red surrounding me. Camellia flowers, I presume. A light summer breeze was blowing, the summer sun was supposed to be scorching, but it was pleasantly warm instead. I could bathe in it forever if I was allowed to.

I breathed it all in.

This is what it means to live.

"Mystra, darling. Are you feeling better?" Dad arrived at the dining area, leaning over to kiss the seated woman on the forehead. She nodded in response, taking me from his arms. I looked up at the beautiful woman with enchanting purple eyes and glittering gold hair, called her "Ma! Ma!" and snuggled close to her.

Til Death Tears Me Apart Once Again [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now