CS: Queen Agathys and her Twin Princes

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Agathys Io Azeal-Crawford, Current Queen of Arraxus

Agathys Io Azeal-Crawford, Current Queen of Arraxus

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Role: Side character/ Villainess

Appearance: Commonly appears in game dressed in grand robes, long red hair styled elegantly, has purple eyes, an arcane focus (Her staff) always in hand.

Backstory and Personality: The evil, scheming and power hungry stepmother. Agathys was the Heir of House Azeal due to her above average intelligence, having brought down a plot to destroy House Azeal. But, she threw the chance away when she got pregnant. No one knows who her lover was.

She was allowed to stay due to past accomplishments and was the one that earned House Azeal big bucks with her merchant mind. That was all before becoming Queen of course.

The reason Camelia and Arius are as horrid as they are at the start of the game, having mistreated the Prince by leaving him out and developed Camelia's bratty attitude. Some argue that Queen Agathys was the main Villainess, more so than Camelia, but others argue that Camelia had a choice and chose to be evil. Point is, Queen Agathys is evil. 'Nuff said.

Affinity: Fire (Extremely High), and its evolved form Lightning (Medium)

Race: Human


Rayark Sileas Azeal-Crawford and Reyer Pharez Azeal-Crawford, Twin Princes of Arraxus

Rayark Sileas Azeal-Crawford and Reyer Pharez Azeal-Crawford, Twin Princes of Arraxus

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Role: Side character

Appearance: Both are identical in appearance; Orange-Red hair, pale blue eyes and freckles.

Backstory and Personality: Twin brothers that were from House Azeal but became Princes of Arraxus due to their birth Mother becoming the Queen of Arraxus.

Reyer is the Crown Prince, and the younger twin, while Rayark is the First Prince, the Older Twin. Why isn't the older brother the Crown Prince, that is because the younger Prince is more stronger and more powerful. Rayark wants nothing more than to take care of his talented younger brother, but not to a brother complex standard, and Reyer appreciates his brother.

However, they aren't Crawford Pureblood, only having extremely low 'artificial' Affinity to Arcane after being injected with Arius' blood. They need a focus (wands or other magic items) to channel the Arcane to enhance their Fire.

Both are playful and are actually good people that feel like intruders, but Arius and Camelia doesn't know (or care) and hates them anyways. Poor boys.

They are what one would call "Mommy's boys".

They are on good relations with Dan, their cousin.

Rayark's Affinity: Fire (High), and Arcane (Artificial so extremely low)

Reyer's Affinity: Fire (High), its evolved form Lightning (Low), and Arcane (Artificial so extremely low)

Race: Both are human

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