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Tw drug will be involved

Hi I'm tegan Penelope james I'm 17 years old from new York but I've just moved to Portland and that all u need to know for now

 Dad : right tegan u need to leave but before u go we quickly go over everything Tegan; i know everything find the dealers at the school become close to them make them trust me and then your team will arrest them

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Dad : right tegan u need to leave but before u go we quickly go over everything
Tegan; i know everything find the dealers at the school become close to them make them trust me and then your team will arrest them . And make Sure i don't get caught
Dad ; and be safe if u fell at danger we will abort this mission
Tegan ; I'll be fine
Dad ; promise
Tegan ; yes now i best go before i am late on my first day
Dad; good luck
Tegan ; gonna need it bye
Dad ; bye

I walk out the door walking to school and i get showen around given my schedule and all that boring stuff. 

Lily ; mr keem u have a new student tegan james
Mr keem; yes thank u lily take a seat
Lily: see u at lunch
Tegan: yh ok

I take a seat

Mr keem ; your book write whats on the bord

I take my book and i write what was on the bord and i look around

Guy ; u new around here
Tegan; yh
Guy ; what new to portland or been here the whole time just moved school
Tegan; new to portland
Guy : how u enjoying it
Tegan; its quieter
Guy ; where u from
Tegan: why asking so many questions
Guy ; I'm  curious person especially why move when graduation is in a few months u have to do a load of catching up
Tegan; wasn't my choice i wouldn't of moved if i had a choice 
Guy : ok

I to back to focusing on the bord

Guy ; I'm daniel by the way
Tegan: ok
Daniel : i know your names tegan
Tegan ; good for u
Daniel; why u being blunt
Tegan : its just the way i am i don't mean to be blunt its just the way i am but I'm trying to sort it
Daniel: i would its mean I'm trying to be nice and it feels like your being mean
Tegan; sorry
Daniel ; all good
Tegan: cool 
Daniel: so u never answered my question where u from
Tegan; you've asked questions i think i should ask some
Daniel ; ok
Tegan: and i don't know any questions to ask cause i don't know u
Daniel; well ask the common question how old am i am i in a relationship any brother or sisters have i lived here my whole life ya know
Tegan ; exactly there common questions boring
Daniel; oh well ask them
Tegan; fine how old are u
Daniel : 17 18 in april
Tegan ; any brother or sisters
Daniel ; 2 older brother and a younger  sister
Tegan; your poor sister 3 older brothers 
Daniel ; we aren't bad brothers we aren't super protective over her and luckey its only me she deals with my other brothers are at collage 

I nod my head

Tegan: any animals i love animals
Daniel: i do not
Tegan : oh well thats sad
Daniel ; yh
Tegan; oh well i have no more questions and i don't wanna a answer anymore
Daniel ; u don't wanna know if in a relationship
Tegan ; like i said don't wanna ask or answer anymore 
Daniel; ok well to answer anyway I'm not
Tegan: cool
Daniel ; god i am so bored
Tegan : so am i
Daniel; this is the most boring class you'll have
Tegan: i have AP English
Daniel ; ok that will be the most boring hardest class you'll do
Tegan; i know
Daniel ; why did u take that
Tegan; wasn't much of choice apparently i was passing my English with flying clours and apparently all the normal English classes were full so they in ap
Daniel: if your the good can u tutor me I'm barley passing
Tegan; ok
Daniel ; you'll help me
Tegan ; sure
Daniel ; i like u new girl
Tegan : u call me new girl i won't help with shit
Daniel ; I'll shut up
Tegan: good thinking 
Daniel : when will u help me cause tests are soon
Tegan; libary tomrrow after school
Daniel ; u got it
Tegan ; cool
Mr keem; u can go

Skip till lunch

I look around

Lily ; over here

I walk over to her

Lily ; tegan meet leah , leah tegan
Leah : hi
Tegan ; hey
Lily ; how have your first few lessons been
Tegan; good thank u for showing me around
Lily ; of course
Tegan : can i ask the groups u know popular tables football players
Leah ; there cheerleaders footballers sit together there also the populars the nerds the bullies . There the middle class thats what me and lily are  were friendly to everyone and everyones friendly back but we aren't friends . And the stoners they stay out side by the bleachers 
Tegan; ok thanks i gotta go to my locker i have gym
Leah ; ew good luck with that
Lily; I'll see u there i have gym aswell
Tegan ; ok

I get up walking out the cafeteria and i go to the bleechers

Guy ; what u looking at
Tegan ; u got coke
Guy : no we aren't a store
Tegan: not the drink the stuff that goes up your nose
Guy ; dunno who u think we are but we aren't dealers
Tegan; i know u are so u gonna sell to me or not cause I'll find someone who will then you'll be losing in on money 
Guy ; how much u want
Tegan; $60 worth
Guy ; sit

I sit down

Second guy : whats your name new girl
Tegan: tegan
Second guy : luke hes jake
Tegan ; good to know
Jake ; u don't look like u do drugs u look incent
Tegan; its always the incent u gotta look out for
Luke ; shes got a point
Jake ; here don't tell anyone
Tegan; u got it will u guys be back here tomrrow I'll probably need more 
Luke ; always here
Jake ; if u need hit out side of school message me
Tegan ; give me your number then

I hand him my phone with the money underneath my phone and he puts his number in

Tegan ; good doing business with u see u 2 around
Luke ; bye new girl

I walk off

Skip the rest of the day

Dad : hi
Tegan: hey
Dad : how was your first day
Tegan ; it went good i got the dealers names
Dad ; what are they
Tegan ; ones called luke and the other jake i didn't know there last names but i found them on insta so its jake robers and Luke mills .
Dad ; good job
Tegan; not the only thing i got jakes number cause i brought off him
Dad; where is the gear

I go throw my bag

Tegan; here
Dad ; I'll take into the station tomrrow
Tegan; ok
Dad; u done a good job i just hate you've got involved into this world
Tegan ; its ok
Dad: but I'm putting u in danger
Tegan ; u said i didn't have to do this u didn't want me to do this but i chose to cause i wanna put theses people away so don't worry
Dad; i can't help it
Tegan; well try not now I'm going upstairs
Dad ; of course
Tegan: bye
Dad ; bye

I walk upstairs going to the bathroom removing my makeup and i go to my room sitting down watching greys anatomy 

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