I wake up to the sun shining in my face

Tegan; mmm

I sit up and Daniel asleep on the floor and i grab a pillow throwing it at him

Daniel : huh what 
Tegan: why are u on the floor
Daniel ; i didn't know if u wanted to share a bed so i thought I'd just sleep on the floor
Tegan : get up here u loser

He gets in bed

Tegan: why sleep on the floor after...last night
Daniel ; i wasn't sure and i didn't want to make u uncomfortable if u woke up and i was in bed with u
Tegan ; should of just slept in the bed but thank u
Daniel; of course...are u ok after last night i don't know if u think it was mistake
Tegan ; do u think it was a mistake
Daniel: no
Tegan: i don't either
Daniel; good
Tegan ; I'm gonna make a move
Daniel ; why
Tegan ; cause
Daniel ; no stay for a bit please
Tegan; for a bit
Daniel : yay

I shake my head and i lay back down

Daniel ; u hung over
Tegan: no thank god
Daniel; luckey u my kinda hurts
Tegan ; drink water
Daniel; I'm good
Tegan ; ok
Daniel ; i know what will make feel better
Tegan: whats that
Daniel: a cuddle
Tegan; really
Daniel : yes cuddle
Tegan ; ok

He pulls me into him and we cuddle for a bit and he plays with my hair

Tegan : i don't see how this helps u I'm the one getting cuddled
Daniel ; its helping trust
Tegan ; ok u weirdo 
Daniel ; be quiet
Tegan; make me

I sit up

Daniel; your wanna play this game do u
Tegan : dunno what your on about

He sits up

Daniel: u know what u are doing especially with your hand right there
Tegan : nope
Daniel : yes u do baby
Tegan; don't
Daniel: don't what
Tegan: no u know what your doing
Daniel : what am i doing baby

I grab a pillow and i go to throw it at him and he grabs my arms

Daniel ; no baby
Tegan: stop
Daniel: no your new names baby
Tegan: and yours is dickhead
Daniel ; rude
Tegan: whole point ass hat
Daniel: thought it was dickhead
Tegan : u have many names
Daniel ; daddy one of them
Tegan: ew

He starts laughing

Daniel ; i hate myself for saying that I'm gonna go wash my mouth out with soap
Tegan: please do
Daniel : i can't believe i said that
Tegan : i am disgusted by u
Daniel; I'm disgusted by myself aswell but oh well

He pulls me into his lap

Tegan : what do u want dickhead
Daniel : nothing u sitting there is making me feel better
Tegan; loser
Daniel ; stop calling me names
Tegan: for now
Daniel : I'll take it
Tegan : good
Daniel ; can i ask something
Tegan: u just did
Daniel : the another one
Tegan: god I'm scared yes
Daniel: do u want to go on a date with me

I stay quiet

Daniel; u can say no its ok
Tegan ; i do its just i haven't been on a date since Noah and i don't completely know if I'm ready to start dating again
Daniel ; its ok we can forget i asked
Tegan: no lets go on a date just see how it goes
Daniel ; u sure
Tegan: yh
Daniel ; yes get in there
Tegan: omg i regret my decision now
Daniel: u said yes no going back now
Tegan ; ok
Daniel : do u want to go on a date tomrrow
Tegan ; yh
Daniel : yay good

I lean down and i kiss him and he kisses me back and my phone starts ringing

Tegan : ignore it
Daniel: could be important
Tegan: I'm gonna kill romeo

I get my phone

Romeo ; took u long enough
Tegan : what
Romeo ; u need to get to jakes now hes od and lukes refuseing to calling for an ambulance and he said i can't call for one so i said for u because your going to med school
Tegan : I'm not at med school at the minute am i u need to call an ambulance
Romeo: I'm not aloud
Tegan; right is he still breathing
Romeo ; yes hes had seizure i put him the recovery position
Tegan; ok keep him there if he wakes up tell him don't move I'm on my way not that I'm gonna be any help
Romeo : just hurry
Tegan ; don't yell me
Romeo : sorry
Tegan; I'll be there in a minute ok
Romeo ; ok bye

I hang up and i move and i get in my clothes and put my prosthetic on

Daniel ; what's happened
Tegan : i can't say
Daniel : why not
Tegan : i just can't i gotta go but message me later 
Daniel: yh ok I'll walk u down

We walk down stairs

Anna ; wait when did she get here
Daniel: she spent the night but shes gotta go do u need a lift
Tegan : no I'm good Anna ses u around
Anna : yh bye
Daniel: see u tomrrow
Tegan : yh bye

I walk out the door and i go to jakes

Tegan ; hes up
Jake : chill
Tegan ; no i won't chill sit down now don't move
Jake ; yes mom
Luke: dude lisen

He sits down

Tegan : follow my finger with your eyes

He does as i say and i do a few more things

Tegan: u seem ok but drink water take it easy and no more drugs today
Jake ; no i need the drugs
Tegan: do u wanna live
Jake ; yh
Tegan ; then no more today if you've alredy over dosed today and u take more then you'll probably stop your heart beating all together 
Jake ; ok no more today
Tegan: good
Romeo ; thank u for coming
Tegan; thanks for calling but u should of called for an ambulance
Luke : no chance
Jake ; we wouls get aressted and locked up for life
Tegan: well it would be better then dead
Jake ; if u think so
Luke ; weren't u wearing thoeses clothes yesterday
Tegan: i haven't gone home yet so yes there the same clothes from yeserday 
Romeo; who did u stay with cause me and lily went off together leah left with some dude
Tegan: stayed at daniels dad couldn't of seen me like i was
Luked ; u fucked him 
Tegan: don't really wanna say i did or didn't with my brother around
Romeo ; so u did and i don't care i did lily last night
Jake : was she any good

I look at him

Romeo ; its between me and her
Luke; your one of us now we share everything so come on any good
Jake; come on was she begging for it did she get on her knees begging

He looks at me

Romeo ; dude u know it she wanted it badly so i gave it to her after teasing her for ages
Luke ; your sisters making me wait shes a tease like u i guess
Romeo ; mhm
Tegan ; whats everyone's plans for prom its soom
Romeo: I'm gonna ask lily 
Jake ; going alone
Luke : tegans my date
Tegan ; am i
Luke : yh u are
Tegan : ok
Jake ; dude i wouldn't ask lily we got something big happening that night we want u 2 involved
Romeo ; what is it we have one prom
Jake: we feel like we can trust u
Luke ; we have a massive ship ment coming to the high school on prom night all the teachers and students are gonna be in the gym. So while there in there we head out to the bleachers and we meet all the dealers from around the eara
Tegan: whats this shipment
Jake : every drug u can think of we have doctors apart of this plan there stealing from the hospitals we have the hard stuff just everything
Romeo ; what u just gonna sell it
Jake ; yh we had a shit ton of clients that night and we intend on selling to all u 2 in for selling
Romeo; we getting paied
Jake ; yh
Tegan; I'm in
Romeo: and me
Jake ; ok cool
Romeo; i won't ask lily
Jake ; good not unless u want her involved
Romeo: no shes left out 
Jake ; ok
Luke: and once we've sold all theses drugs were gonna be rolling in it so me u and hotel room
Tegan: ok
Romeo: how many people are gonna be there that night
Jake ; like 25 people
Tegan ; Jesse
Jake ; like i said theres a lot more dealers then u think  there everywhere

I nod my head

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