Tegan : ro
Romeo; ya
Tegan; I'm leaving dad made breakfast its in the microwave
Romeo ; ok bye
Tegan: bye loser

I walk out his room going down stairs and my leg plays up but i walk out the door going to school

Leah ; hello
Tegan; hi
Leah ; were friends right
Tegan; um yh
Leah ; yay so i can hang with u lily ill shes about my only friend but now i have u
Tegan ; yay I'm making friends
Leah : how are u finding portland
Tegan; i like it
Leah ; good
Tegan; how long have u and lily been friends for
Leah ; 4 years a show brought us together its weird
Tegan: what show
Leah ; greys anatomy
Tegan; i love that show freaking watched it last night and the amount of times I've watched it
Leah ; its the best show
Tegan; it is but so sad
Leah ; which character made u cry the most when they died
Tegan; to many Derek mark lexi yours
Leah ; literally all mine aswell and even tho henry wasn't a main character he made me cry
Tegan ; i don't pertically like teddy but henry made tolerate teddy
Leah ; me and u are the Same person
Tegan; see this is where your gonna go off me i like owen.
Leah ; how
Tegan; i just do
Leah ; u weirdo
Tegan : i know

The bell then goes

Leah ; this conversation isn't over
Tegan; ok

I head to class

Skip the rest of the day i go to the libary and i wait there for a while

Daniel : sorry my class got held back
Tegan; its ok
Daniel; would of message but don't have your number
Tegan; is that a hint u want it
Daniel ; yes
Tegan; phone

He hands me his phone and i put my number in

Tegan; all done
Daniel; thanks
Tegan ; so what is it your doing in English at the minute

He tells me what hes doing and i help him for ages trying to get him to understand

Luke ; hi
Tegan; oh hi
Luke ; saw u so i thought I'd say hi but gotta go now so see u tomrrow
Tegan; u will indeed

He walks off

Daniel; hes bad news
Tegan; is he
Daniel ; yh
Tegan: why he seems nice
Daniel ; i don't pertically know him haven't spoke to him but apparently he sells drugs caused a lot of problems and he just isn't good news
Tegan: oh
Daniel ; thought I'd warn u
Tegan; thank u 
Daniel: no problem
Tegan: back to work
Daniel ; uh

We go back to doing his work and i get this pain in my leg again

Daniel ; u ok
Tegan; mhm
Daniel ; u sure
Tegan; yes focuse on your work and not me
Daniel ; how can i focuse when your in pain what hurts
Tegan; u asked me to help so I'm helping
Daniel; we've been at it for an hour i desver a break
Tegan; ok
Daniel; what hurts then
Tegan ; my prosthetic leg I've got a Phantom Pain
Daniel; u have a fake leg
Tegan; yh
Daniel: can i ask what happend
Tegan: how about i ask u an English question u get it right I'll answer
Daniel: deal
Tegan : start off easy Shakespeare’s four greatest tragedies are Macbeth, Othello, Hamlet and...
Daniel; ah um...not romeo and juliet...king lear
Tegan; right
Daniel : what happend for u to lose your leg
Tegan ; car accident
Daniel ; were u driving
Tegan; u need to answer another question
Daniel; ok
Tegan ; By what name was Shakespeare’s mother known before her marriage
Daniel ; oh fuck its mary something
Tegan ; it is mary but what was her last name 
Daniel ; ann no wait arden
Tegan yep
Daniel: were u driving the car
Tegan ; no next question In all the plays written by Shakespeare, only one contains the name of an animal. Name the animal.
Daniel ; shrew
Tegan; yh
Daniel: was anyone else hurt in the accident
Tegan ; my boyfriend died I'm gonna answer 2 more questions so make them count
Daniel; ok
Tegan; Name the Shakespearean character who had spoken the maximum number of lines
Daniel : hamlet
Tegan: yh
Daniel ; when did the accident happen
Tegan; last year Name the play with which Shakespeare’s started his career as a playwright
Daniel ; u know i struggled with that one
Tegan; u not doing it
Daniel ; no I'm gonna try give me a second

We stay quiet 

Daniel : Titus Andronicus
Tegan ; yes
Daniel ; how are u copping from losing your boyfriend and your leg
Tegan; hard at first but as time went on i found a way to cope
Daniel; here if u wanna talk
Tegan; you've had your break back to work libary closes soon
Daniel; ok

For the next 45 minutes we study then we got kicked out 

Tegan : rignt see ya
Daniel : same tomrrow 
Tegan: sure
Daniel ; cool
Tegan: see u tomrrow
Daniel ; do u need lift home
Tegan; I'm good thanks
Daniel ; ok can u message me when u get home so i know u got back safe
Tegan: sure
Daniel ; ok bye
Tegan: bye

I walk off and i go home

Tegan ; yo
Romeo ; yo
Tegan; what u done today
Romeo ; fuck all spoke to friends
Tegan ; fun
Romeo ; i know howbwas school
Tegan: eh ok i guess

My phone then starts ringing

Tegan ; ello
Dad ; hi can u and romeo come down to the station
Tegan : dad said can we come down to the station
Romeo ; yh
Tegan ; he said yh be there in a minute
Dad : ok ses u in a bit

I hang up and me and romeo walk out the door getting in his car and he drives to the station and we go to my dad office 

Dad ; this officer mark brennan hes on the case with me
Mark ; hi
Romeo; hi
Mark ; so we got word that something big is happening on your prom day we need u to figure out what it is and for u to try get involved
Tegan: ok
Dad ; romeo why I've asked u here is cause i don't feel comfortable her doing this on her own so i wondering can u go back to high school and act like a student
Romeo ; i said right from the beginning i would I'm like i didn't feel comfortable her doing this either 
Mark ; ok we've 2 going inside for us
Dad ; yh
Romeo : when will i be enrolled
Dad ; well i hopeing u would say yes so i spoke to the school this afternoon pulled some strings and got u in u start tomrrow
Romeo ; i always said i would never step foot in one of thoeses hell holes again and here i am agreeing to this
Tegan: imagine going back to high school
Romeo ; fuck off
Mark; so u 2 try get as close as u can to theses people get them to trust u and get them to tell u everything and find out what is happening this prom . Once u know u tell us
Romeo ; we will 
Dad; if u don't feel safe or u change your mind let us know
Tegan; will do 
Dad: right why don't u 2 stick around i finsh in an hour we can go out for dinner
Tegan: we can't been seen with a cop i got told today theres a lot more dealers then we think there are i sat with some of them today 
Dad : i got a change of clothes in the car I'll change
Romeo : ok
Tegan ; do u still have my crutches in your car my prosthetic is hurting today
Dad: yh keys
Tegan; thanks 

I take the keys and i go to the car taking my prosthetic off and i get the cruches and i head back inside

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