Romeo ; Tegan we gotta go
Tegan ; coming

I go down stairs 

Dad ; i will see u guys in a bit stay safe
Romeo ; we will but we gotta go
Dad ; ok love u both
Tegan ; love u too bye
Dad ; bye

We walk out the door getting in the car and we get taken to the prom

Luke ; lookin sexy
Tegan : mhm
Jake ; u 2 ready for tonight 
Tegan ; ready as ever
Romeo ; yh
Jake ; good cause this cannot go wrong we have people relying on us and if we don't do it were dead all of us
Romeo ; nothing will go wrong
Luke ; we have a little time before the package gets here so lets have fun come with me
Romeo ; imma find lily
Jake ; lisen out for your phones
Romeo ; we will
Luke : come on

He grabs my hand making me dance and me and romeo look at each other 

Luke : pay attention to me romeo is with his girlfriend
Tegan: Just making sure hes ok
Luke ; hes fine
Tegan ; ok
Luke ; so tonight I've booked a hotel for me and u
Tegan : i have a boyfriend
Luke ; but your here with me not him me u want me u just won't admit it
Tegan ; luke your a friend
Luke ; just say u want me i want u to the feels mutral stop playing so hard to get
Tegan ; I'm not luke your a good friend but i just do not feel the same i am in love with daniel .
Luke ; why come with me
Tegan : because u asked me before he did and i didn't want to let u down
Luke ; you'll want me by tonight
Tegan; mhm I'm gonna find Daniel have one dance then I'm your for the rest of the night

I walk off and i find daniel

Tegan; want to dance
Daniel ; yes

I grab his hand and we go to the dance floor  and i wrap my arms around his neck and he puts his hand on my waste

Tegan : u having fun
Daniel ; not really I'm not here with u
Tegan; hour tops ok and then i am all yours
Daniel; ok

I kiss him 

Daniel; u look beautiful
Tegan; u don't look to bad yourself
Daniel ; but your dress would look better on my floor
Tegan ; your dreams might come true
Daniel ; i hope so
Tegan: won't your parents be in
Daniel ; yes but they will be asleep by the time this is over
Tegan ; well my dads working tonight and romeos staying at lilys so my place would be empty
Daniel; yours it is
Tegan: ok
Daniel ; your shaking
Tegan; I'm ok
Daniel ; are u cold i can give my jacket cause i am over heating
Tegan; I'm good not cold
Daniel; ok why u shaking then
Tegan; nervous
Daniel ; why
Jake ; now
Tegan; i gotta go
Daniel; go where
Tegan: I'll be back stay

Me and jake walk off and we meet up with romeo and luke and we head out to the bleachers and there was loads of people

Guy ; stop shaking and bag up faster your to slow
Romeo; leave her alone
Guy ; u what
Jake ; chill
Guy ; u move faster
Tegan ; i will
Dylan ; we are gonna be rolling in it tonight
Adam : yh we are
Jake ; well first lets bag it up and get dealing  then were be rolling in it
Daniel ; whats happening
Tegan ; daniel go
Luke ; I've wanted to do this for the longest time

He pulls out a gun

Tegan; go
Daniel; i want no trouble
Luke; good cause there won't be any now

He shoots him and everyone starts yelling and i go over to Daniel

Tegan: daniel no...romeo give me your jacket 

He hands me his jacket and put it daniels wound

Tegan : stay with me come on
Dad ; hands where i can see them we need a medic

Everyone trys running but cops come out from everywhere  getting them and medics come to daniel

Tegan : is he gonna be ok
Women ; back up we need space 
Jake ; u bitch your dead

He splits at me

Mark ; take him away
Jake ; no there dead no matter where u run I'll find u and your dead

He gets taken off and daniels at the ambulance and i run after them

Tegan : can i go with him
Dad ; no I'll go with him I'll keep u updated u need to go home and change
Tegan: no i need to go
Man ; we need to go now hes getting worse
Dad ; go home

He gets in the ambulance and it goes off and i start crying and romeo pulls me into a hug

Romeo ; hes gonna be ok
Tegan: why did he come out here why couldn't of he just stayed inside like i said why
Romeo: i don't know he
Tegan ; I'm gonna kill luke
Romeo : no your not
Tegan: yes i am I'm killing him with my bare hands I've lost another guy i love
Romeo: hes not dead
Tegan; he could be
Romeo ; hes not come on lets go home get changed and I'll take u to the hospital
Tegan ; no i wanna go straight to the hospital
Romeo; u need to change u can't go there coverd in blood so the quicker u move the quicker we can get to the hospital
Tegan: fine

We go to the car and he drives home and i quickly change clothes and we head to the hospital 

Tegan; how is he please tell me hes ok
Dad ; hes been taken into surgery
Tegan ; his family
Dad ; his family are here there in the waiting area i knew u wouldn't lisen to me so i waited at the entrance go home and i will keep u updated
Tegan: no chance I'm staying 
Dad : go home
Romeo ; shes not gonna lisen so u may aswell not try
Dad ; ok but u should give his family space romeo u stay with her i need to get to the station then
Romeo ; i will

He walks off and i sit down

Tegan : go be with lily
Romeo; what no u need me
Tegan ; i need be alone and u also need to be with lily we leave tomrrow
Romeo : i can't leave u
Tegan; yes u can go please ro
Romeo ; i will call u every hour and if u need me call me and I'll be back
Tegan; i will go
Romeo ; i love u
Tegan; love u too

He walks off

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