Chapter 1 ~ The meeting

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"And here is school again " sighed to himself Phoenix. That morning the holidays were over and, backpacking, after having prepared breakfast he was heading towards school, with big blue eyes ready to intercept his friend and partner Larry . Phoenix stopped at the corner of the school waiting for his late friend. I mean, not that he was always on time but Larry was just a lost case. In a bad mood for being late, he almost buried his head in his backpack, looking for his cell phone.


Miles Edgeworth was a tall, thin, diaphanous teenager with long fair hair. He carried on him the weight of a past that marked him, and that of a surname bigger than himself. He was seventeen and had a perpetually sulky expression. He did not like school, because he appreciated solitude and silence, which were just the opposite of school, noisy and full of too intrusive people. His adoptive little sister Franziska, fourteen years old and a little shorter than him, thin as a fairy, seemed to be scrutinizing everyone with alert ... and suspicious eyes. If Ziska had been any other kind of girl, Miles would have had to worry a lot more about her, but he knew her sister was perfectly capable of getting by on her own. -I don't like the idea that this school is publish. Wouldn't it have been better to go to a private one? - Franziska complained. - Don't you think Miles? It would have been much more prestigious ...- He didn't answer. There was only one reason both would have preferred to go to boarding school, and it was certainly not the prestige, but the privilege of spending as little time as possible in the company of their tyrannical father. Or, in the case of Miles, stepfather.
-We'll manage anyway- he told her, trying to give her confidence with a look. Troubled, he suddenly thought he glimpsed a crest of dark hair in the crowd. A blow to the heart pierced him. Fate could not have led him to him. It was impossible... The boy was also looking in his direction. Miles forced his hands into his pockets. Among so many schools, did it have to happen to him? He didn't want to see anyone who could remind him of the past. Miles waved goodbye to her sister in front of the group of her future companions: she would get away with it. He ran into the hall, ready to find his classroom. He had just moved to spend the three years in that new school, with a more particular address. He would study law and economics, according to his inclinations and the dictates of his stepfather.


-Nick! -Phoenix was shaken by a powerful blow on his shoulder. When he stood up, he noticed Larry's grin -You're late! -He said resentfully
-And you are hurting me! -
-Ugh, how much you complain! - Larry retorted.
- Are we going in or not? -
and they set off without waiting for an answer
-Hey, wait for me!- He ran after him, snorting. He and Larry weren't going to take the same course this year
-I recommend Larry, don't be silly! - he teased him
-And you don't be too wise- he replied as they headed for the classrooms.
-See you Nick! -he said giving him a loud pat on the shoulder
-You're too abusive! - Phoenix scolded him. Not far away, a recalcitrant Miles slowed his pace until he came to a complete stop. He wanted to let all the other students pass and enter last. He wanted no one to notice.

But when Larry walked away, Phoenix looked up and saw him. Was it really his face or was it just a very similar person? Only the appeal would have removed the doubt so, discreetly, he went to the courtroom Miles, on the other hand, had no doubt.
It was him.
He was sure of it, as if someone had revealed it to him. He entered with his head held high and with a lost look, occupying the only free seat: in front of everyone, in a single desk. Phoenix found himself staring at the back of his head thoughtfully as his new companions were already trying to strike up a button. He exchanged a few distracted comments with them as his thoughts raced. He watched the boy who looked awfully like his childhood friend pull out his notebooks, ordering two pens and two pencils with maniacal precision.
He was nervous, very nervous. He involuntarily recognized his precise movements, certainly amplified by his difficult adolescence. He was about to get up and talk to him, now practically certain it was him, when the professor entered the classroom. The professor was tall and thin, with short gray hair. He quickly spotted the new student. -Edgeworth, right? Welcome to our class- he said, with a gentle gesture of the head.
"Thank you," he said politely. Phoenix's eyes widened and she felt herself sinking when his certainties were confirmed. After so many years he is there, again in the same class with Miles Edgeworth. The man smiled at him.
-Let's make the roll call- he said. And when he came to the name of Phoenix, Miles didn't turn around. He listened to his voice as he said "present!" but he didn't turn around.

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