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Scotty cried and cried. He should've never gotten himself in this chaos. He should've never burnt that house down. He should've just let Fiona go. Culpability and misery haunted him. I just want to die!

Scotty ran up to the highest place he knew about - the base. He hated this place, but he wanted to get this over with. Clouds covered the sky, and a lighting storm began to fall. The rain poured on scotty's face as he sprinted to the base. He climbed to the top of the building.

Scotty stepped on the edge of the short wall, and he was dizzy at the height of the fall. I'm too scared. I thought I could, but I just can't..
Scotty sat at the edge of the building and sobbed. It felt like hours, but it was only fifteen minutes. He heard foot steps behind him.

Scotty sat up and turned around. There stood a figure, a woman. She was pointing a gun at him. "Goodnight Scotty," she said. There was a flash of light then it all went pitch black. Scotty's lifeless body flung off the building into the dark alley below, a scarce place where finding a corpse won't be so easy.


A month later Lilou was walking on the street, looking at the ground and not making eye contact with anyone. She accidently steps on a gooey new paper a hobo dropped. She noticed the headline. " Murder of an arsonist" and picked it up. It read, 'A woman named Fiona Flores brutally shot a man named Scotty Green in the head, who burned down a house in Perstow. The police don't know who else was involved in this crime, or why Green did it. Flores killed Scotty out of anger and revenge, for reasons we will not share. This case is a cold file, and no progress has been made any further."

Lilou gasped in shock. Scotty's dead?! Lilou couldn't believe those words. She put the paper back down and kept walking. She was relieved that they didn't find out anything about her or the people that work for her. I guess Fiona got her revenge as well.

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