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lily appeared out of no where, lilou and adam gasped in shock. they both ran over to their friend, "i have arrived, and overheard a bit." lily said, her eyes scanning the others. "i will go and spy on them and see what they are up to, i will bring back info, and if the infos important we will make a plan." lily stated.

"but we don't know where they live" eric chimed in. lily looked over to him, "we'll uh-" 

"MAYBE SCOTTY WILL KNOW."  adam screeched, pointing his finger over at him. "SCOTTY!! DO YOU KNOW WHERE FIONA AND MINTY ARE AT?" 

scotty nodded, "she lives in a small house and they probably are there." he wrote the address down and handed it over to lily.

"i will be going now," lily declared. she jumped of out a window, scotty gasped. "did she just kill herself?" 

"she has her ways." lilou murmured. 

later on lily arrived to the house, the back door was open and lily sneaked inside. she found them both in the living room which was right next to the kitchen. lily hid herself into an empty cabinet and pressed her ear against the wall. 

"minty i think we should move, scotty is really weird and he might stalk us. h- he knows where i live and it scares me." fiona stammered. "a-and plus... we could find a better house to live in." 

"most of my family lives in perstow, we can move there." minty insisted, "its a small town, what if scotty tries to find us there?" fiona repiled, her voice filled with worry.

"forget him, anyways my cousins have a big house, we could live there for a bit." lily noted that, big house in perstow. "plus, my cousins are strong and have guns." minty added

"then lets move there, we should pack now and leave by tomorrow or thursday." fiona sounded determined. lily crawled out the cabinet and quickly ran out the back door, she climbed over the fence and went into her car.

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