Season 1 Episode 3

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(Episode 5 in the show)

A day or two had passed since the little run in with Robby's dad and ever since, Robby just ignored it.

Closing the door behind me, Robby and I came home from shopping to find his mum getting ready to go out.

"Hey, mom," Robby said with a smile as she saw us.

"Hey, babe. Hey Millie," she said looking to me. Smiling back, Robby started speaking.

"I went to Vons and got those frozen pizzas that you like. You wanna made dinner and watch a movie?" He asked, hope gleaming in his eyes.

"Oh, that's so sweet, honey. Um, I actually have to run a couple errands, but, uh, how about we do that tomorrow night, okay?" She said, walking past Robby and I, clearing meaning something other than errands.

"Yeah. Sure," Robby said, disappointment laced in his voice. "If you're not too hungover," he added on making me sigh while I jumped on top of the kitchen counter to sit on it.

"Hey. Okay, you caught me. I am going out, but you know what? It is Dine LA week, so, you know..." she said, trialing off at the end while turning around to fix her appearance in the mirror.

"Meeting that guy from the other night?" I asked as Robby took a step closer to his mum.

"Oh God, that nerd? No, he was all bark and no stick. Sorry, I know, that's, like, super gross," she added on at the end once seeing Robby's reaction in the mirror to her saying that. "But listen, you don't realise how hard it is to meet a good man. I mean, just look at your father. That's what we're working with here. Oh, did I mention that that deadbeat came by to see me?" She said while fixing her lipstick.

"No. What'd he say?" Robby said, his attention perking up.

"Mmm, just some bs about you moving in with him, as if he suddenly gives a shit. I'm sure it's just a scam to get out of paying for child support," she said, bad mouthing Robby's dad once again.

"Well, I mean, how do you know?" Robby asked intrigued.

"Trust me. I know your father," she answered moving next to Robby to get her bag. "Listen, I know that you're super bummed out about tonight, but um, you know, I'm trying to meet that special someone. You're only getting older and bigger, and sooner or later, you're gonna leave me for a life filled with excitement. You don't wanna leave your mama alone, do you?" She said, manipulating him like she always did making my blood boil.

"No," Robby said shaking his head.

"Thank you, baby. I love you," she said as she walked over and opened the door.

"Bye," she said to both Robby and I before shutting the door behind her and finally leaving. Standing in silence, my heart broke for Robby as he didn't know what to do.

"Robby?" I questioned making him turn to me. Opening my arms, a small smile appeared of his face as he walked over to me to give me a hug. "Why don't I make the pizzas while you put on a movie?" I questioned as I whispered his ear as his hands found their way to my sides. "We can have a movie night again like we use to," I said to him as he moved his head out from the crook of my neck to look at me.

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