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" Jack Frost?" She told herself more as a question than an answer; trying not to leave herself  dumbstruck, "What are you doing here?" she asked in him in a stern tone. After all it's not like every night you get a fictional character visiting you in the middle of the night.

He smiled sheepishly trying to prevent himself getting in trouble, he scratched his head " Er, Uh. 'Cos-" he tried making an excuse.

She held up her hand in front of him " Stop. Okay, I don't really get it but just answer this questions." taking a deep breath " Are you the one watching me at night in the winter?" She asked.

Jack paused and slowly nodded.

Claire stood up quickly but fell on him. Damn, These bedsheets are slippery. found herself shivering and quickly stood up away from him.

He laughed like it was the most funniest thing he saw  " Haha, Sorry. I'm cold." I'm sure he didn't mean the cold like mean or distant but cold as in cold temperature.

" Is true that your a Guardian? Is it also true that you make all those blizzards and stuff? Like snow days and all?" She asked him enthusiasticly, brushing off the cold breeze earlier. Claire wanted to hear things from the person himself because often people would alter, change and not really the real thing anymore. She really loved fantasy, and have read tons of books about it.

" Whoa. Whoa. Slow down with the questions there. Guardian, yep. The snow days, that's true too." he was smilling as he answered " though I have no idea of how you knew I was a guardian."

" Um, er.. Well. " fumbling with her fingers as she looked below " My Greats Grandfather told me." she looked at him and smiled shyly.

Jack looked surprised abit " Jamie?" he asked and she nodded. " I can't believe it! Your a descendant of Jamie." he smiled. " I gotta bring you to Sandy.. Bunny and Tooth!! North too!" he said excitedly as he grabbed her arm and pulled her in the air.

" Eh? Eh?" Flying right now wasn't the most exciteable experience for Claire right now. He glanced at her and smiled " Don't worry. I gotcha." he said before they took off.

 She didn't know but she believed in him. She closed her eyes until " Hey. Open your eyes. Your missing this amazing view!" he told her and slowly she opened her eyes " Wow." was the only she could say it was amazing and the view as well. Was this how Wendy felt when Peter Pan taught her how to fly and off went to Neverland? She didn't care. It was amazing, such wonderful feeling.

Rise of A Guardian : My GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now