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At 5 y/o

I ran up to my room, carrying in my arms was a book too big and too heavy for me to carry but I didn't mind it. I was filled with adrenaline and was too excited to start reading or at least look at the pretty pictures. I was still learning to read but it didn't matter anyway. I would make my mom to read it to me in the morning.

I sprang up to my bed and opened the book, looking at the pictures that illuminated in the warm and silvery glow of the moon.

The pictures looked like they sprang out of the book to life and invited me to them as my ear started going heavy and the sound of the cricket lulled me to sleep.

My eyes were closed but my conscious was awake when I felt another person's presence in the room as a gust of wind followed it.

The presence grew stronger and I felt him right behind me. I willed my eyes to open but it was no used. I groaned feeling the cold floor against my skin, falling down the bed with my blanket. A foreign chuckle spread throughout the room as a cold yet warm touch held me. It felt minty refreshing.

The presence softly nestled me to bed but my body refused, cuddling him closer hearing another laugh. He has a nice laugh. I instantly thought as I smiled in my sleep. He tucked me into bed. The book was at my feet and he noticed it, left open in between pages.

"Jack Frost." he muttered, probably looking at the page left open and laughed again sounding very happy and placed the book on the table side of my bed.

What did he say? My brain didn't want to work with me."Mhmm.Jha.k..Jack."

I murmur before I felt the presence left.

Next Morning, I ran down for breakfast. I sat down on my usual seat using a stool to get up to it and held my spoon "Good morning!" I said happily starting to eat on my cereal.

Midway, my mom looked at me and wiped the remains of the cereal on my face. "Honey, didn't I remind you to close the window before you sleep? You even had snow bits on your hair when you slept " she scolded gently.

I tilted my head, in no understanding.

At 7 y/o

I was playing snow ball fight with my best friends which consisted of my twin brother, no less, Michael. Christopher who's name we shortened to Chris is my brother's best friend who is better of being my brother's twin than me. Elle, our chatterbox and mood maker. Kairi the delicate flower of our group and Dylan, my bestest friend in the bunch.

I was teamed up with Elle and Kairi while the boys are all on the other group. I picked up snow on the ground and rolled it together until it was shaped like a ball "This is sexist, Dylan!" I shouted throwing a ball at him.

He laughed, "Sexist? Where did you get a word like that?" He only gotten hit by the shoulder as he picked up snow and made another snowball to aim at me and this time it was bigger than any of the others, my first thought was Uh-Oh. There was no where to hide and when he finally launched at me.

It was scary. Must I add that Dylan has this scary dangerous good aim and usually hits where he wants it to hit and that means I was dead meat.

I crouch down and used my hand to shield me, bracing for impact and hesitantly looked up and saw another snowball came against and it fell to the ground. "Thanks Elle!" I cheered for her saving me.

Elle looked at me with her blue eyes in confusion halting her throwing of snowballs "That wasn't me." and resumed.

I turned to Kairi who was making snowballs and throwing them one by one. She shaked her head. There was no way the boys would have helped me besides they were on the other side that's when the feeling of being watched became stronger.

I turned around. Getting a few by standers was normal so I pushed it to the back of my mind until now it became stronger. The place was around us was plain field, so there wasn't anywhere to hide and if they were I would have hid there when Dylan threw that huge ball at me but no one was there.

Who was it?

At 10 y/o

There was a party down stairs. I could hear the music and people chattering. It was a few days before Christmas. I groaned and shifted in my bed. It was too hot or too cold.

Why did I have to get a fever today?

Everyone was there, having fun. Every now and then they would come and check me up. Chris even asked if I wanted to get some food which I politely refused. I walked up to my window and opened the window abit carrying the blanket and dropped down my bed again and slowly drifted to dream land.

I woke up at the the cool feeling on my head wondering if they changed the towel. A finger softly brushed my hair that I learned it was someone's hand. I stirred toward that person's direction that caught him off guard, pulling his hand away.

I caught his hand and opened my eyes droopily blurry from the fever "Stay with me.. pretty please. " I tugged and he slowly say on my bed again brushing my head with the coolness of his touch.

The next day, I instantly felt better and asked who came to my room brushing my head. Michael replied that he and Chris came a few times but only found me sleeping soundly and left.

Strange. Who was that person?

Currently 12 y/o

When I was younger, I always treated this presence as well ignored? otherworldly? I don't know but I didn't mind it much but now that it was becoming frequent I've becoming more and more disturbed.

What happened if it's a ghost or worse? I can't shake the idea of some pedophile stalking me.

Every winter, my window always somehow ends being open even when I remember to have been closing it.

"I think you've just been reading too many fantasy novels." Michael yawned.

I glared at him. Other than appearance, I don't see how I'm this person's other half.

I looked over to him who was laying on my bed, rolling my eyes and looked around my bookshelf until my eyes spot a very particular book.

It was the one I bought when I was five and still love retreading it until now. It still looked brand new. I picked it out and held it in my chest "Why are you in my room anyway?" I asked.

Maybe, I'll find answers in this book. I knew it was stupid for my age but well I was a sucker for stuff like this. I just couldn't help but believe in them. I was always going to be a dreamer.

"I just thought of have some quality twin time." He joked and I rolled my eyes unknowingly hit the end of the bed and hurt my foot "Ouch!" I yelped and dropped the book to hold my poor foot in pain.

"Ugh! It's all your fault if both my foot and book gets damaged!" I exclaimed at him, overreacting when it comes to my stuff. When I felt my foot become better, I crouched down and picked up my book which opened up a page.

"Jack.. Frost.." I murmur and a strong gust of wind opened the window and started flipping through the pages I was looking.

"The Tooth Fairy."

"The Easter Bunny."

"Santa Claus."



"The man in the moon."

A storm was brewing and I didn't know anything about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2013 ⏰

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