How it all started

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"Stan! ... Goddamnit Stan get your ass over here!"

"I'm coming! Jesus.."

The skinny, average-height boy made his way over to his chubby friend. Peaking back to his Jewish bestie as well as his reckless friend before directing his ocean blue eyes to the fat, small frenemy.

"Dude, what is up with you? You've been nervous the whole day." He stated. His friend's mismatched blue and brown eyes pierced back like daggers, a frowny glare giving a sterner look than their teacher, Mr. Garrison when they forgot to do homework.

There was a brief silence.

"Uh... Cartman?" Stan softly beckoned

"Yeah yeah, don't rush me you fuck!" Cartman's face seemed to get more red by the second. Something was up with him and Stan noticed loud and clear. Seeing Cartman all flustered like that was quite amusing to Stan and somewhere, a little cute too.

The small frenemy exhaled with a groan "alright before I say anything more I want you to know I'm ONLY telling you this because Kenny is a pan fucker who will have it out for my fabulousness if he finds out, and because Kyle is.. well Kyle. I don't want that nasty Jew blackmailing me, I know what that dirty ass is capable of!" Cartman's voice noticeably got more upset by talking about Kyle.

"Pfff- you sound like your about to come out as gay." Stan jokingly said, snickering through his words. Cartman's glare got weighted out by an embarrassed one. Stan dropped his laugh upon seeing Cartman like that. "Wait.. are you?" He asked semi-freaked out. "No, you dumbass!" Cartman shouted back, before adjusting his volume to a whisper and mumbling "I'm bi..."

There was an awkward silence between the two, Stan unsure how to respond as Cartman impatiently waited. It wasn't like Stan was bi-phobic or anything of that matter, quite the opposite, but he didn't expect this from him. "Well?!" Cartman blurted out, snapping Stan out of his thoughts. "Uh... I guess that makes two of us dude.." Stan looked away, now they were both unsure of how to respond to one another. To Cartman this wasn't too much of a surprise, somewhere he expected this to come at some point... Stan, however, only recently found out. After doing some soul searching he realized he had a crush on Kyle for god knows how long. The way Kyle made him blush, how they told each other they loved the other one. It made Stan wonder if Kyle had any special feelings regarding his friend but nonetheless, Stan never dared to ask Kyle. "STAN! CARTMAN! You two coming or what?!" A raspy voice screamed from the distance Stan was at earlier. Kenny had broken the awkward silence as Stan quickly replied "Be there in a sec Ken!" The orange hooded figure gave a thumbs up in response as Stan smiled, he decided to park some final words to Cartman. "Thanks for telling me Cartman. I'm glad you trust me." He maturely said, moving on to catch up with his other friends. Cartman couldn't help but blush a little at Stan's politeness, he rarely did it so it gave off a special feeling.

The two joined the others, balancing out their infamous chaotic friend group like it's supposed to. Although everything seemed the same as before there was a different feeling to it. Kenny and Kyle noticed it too but couldn't quite pinpoint the cause. However, Stan and Cartman knew all the better. Ever since they came out to each other there had been an odd chemistry: They interacted more, laughed more, eyed each other more... Or was that just their imagination? Both wondered, but that didn't stop either of them from blushing whenever they greeted. Cartman became the typical tsundere, well-known for his denial of feelings and playful rejections to Stan's stuttering flirt attempts. Time passed and they were practically boyfriends. Kyle and Kenny watching from the sideline. The Jewish boy confused and a bit jealous of the sudden change in the group and the parka-wearing dork enjoying the view while laughing his ass off.

2 months pass

61 days of horrible flirting. Stan texted Cartman.

Stan: Heyyy!

CM: Mm?

Stan: U wanna come over later 2 day? Movie? I got snacks 😏

CM: Yass, what snacks tho? 👀

Stan: meeee 👈👈

Stan: lmao jk jk

Stan: unlllessss? 😳

Stan: jk again lol

Stan: anyway I got Mountain Dew n bags of chipsss

CM: u had me at you

Stan: 😳😳😳

CM: jfc stop using that emoji before I change my mind

Stan: Sorry- ttyl bro

CM: bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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