The Ocean and The Sky

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Katara looks into the seemingly endless deep blue sky, her left hand clutching onto a piece of silky, smooth fabric. The few stars that are out there reflecting their light onto her face, highlighting her pearly azure eyes. Distracted in the beauty of the stunning horizon displaying the inky, kind natured and peaceful sky and the  calming, yet intimidating ocean nearly colliding, a hand laying on her shoulder startles her and in the heat of the moment, she is no longer intimidated by the ocean, forcing her own will against it, pushing the icy cold water towards her as she is rotating her body, splashing the water against the unknown figure behind her as she shuts her eyes out of fear. Staying in that position for a split second, a familiar voice to her lets out a groan, bringing her comfort as she opens her eyes to end up being face to face with her brother, Sokka, drenched in water on the wood panelled floor of the water tribe ship. Katara immediately re-enters a state of shock, however not in a fight or flight mode situation. Guilt rushes over her as she cusps her hands over her mouth. She immediately reaches over one of her arms to help lift Sokka up. Sokka gets up and in a groggy and annoyed tone he says through his teeth in a sarcastic tone

"I was going to check up on you and see if you were okay, but judging by the fact that im soaked, I'm assuming you are fine." he sighs as he flicks a drop of water off of his forehead. He takes his navy blue, thick coated sleeve and wipes the rest of the water off of his face. Katara now sharing a similar mood as Sokka, take his arm and yanks it from his face.
"Now you really didn't have to do that, I don't know if you forgot in the past 2 minutes but I am a waterbender." Frustrated by him making his new coat that she had sewn for him all wet, she pauses for a moment and then spits out in a more concerning tone

"I'm sorry about doing that, I'm just really anxious about heading back to republic city-" Sokka cuts her off mid sentence 

"Katara we talked about this before we left, it's the whole reason I'm coming with you," Katara shoots him a stare "OKAY, maybe I also came because I can't wait to see Suki but what's wrong now."

"I know I told you I was worried about Aang, but I might have lied about the reason why... I'm sorry." Katara leans back against the ledge separating her from the oceans and turns her head, no longer making eye contact with Sokka.

"You don't have to be sorry Katara, I can understand if you weren't comfortable telling me before we left." He voices his concern as he rests his hand on her shoulder, cautiously this time. A tear sheds down her face as she looks at her hand grasping the piece of cloth from earlier as she utters

"I just... you see, I'm making something really special for Aang but I don't know if he's going to like it or not." She pulls her left hand up to her heart. Sokka's curiosity takes over him as he leans over to grab her hand
" What are you holding on to?" He asks, tilting his head to try to get a better look at what's she has cusped in her hand.

"None of your business" Katara lashes out, pulling her left hand back and turning around to face the vast ocean, trying to ignore Sokka as she rests her head into her fists, taking a deep breath.

" I know you are kind of mad at me or whatever, but knowing Aang for almost 10 years at this point, he literally appreciates everything you do, I'm sure whatever you made for him, he'll love it," Sokka states in a comforting tone. As he is about to spit out a few more words, Katara spins around and leaps in to hug Sokka. As she is wrapped around him she lets her emotions lose and starts crying tears of happiness. She lets go of him and wipes her tears away. 
"Goodnight Katara."
"Goodnight Sokka." Sokka follows Katara below the deck to their room on the boat. While she is unpinning her hair loopies, she jumps onto her hammock, facing the wall as she closes her eyes. She can't believe that she is finally going to see Aang

After all this time 

she thinks to herself, almost letting her excited thoughts get in the way of her sleeping.

Okay, go to sleep Katara, she slowly closes her eyes and falls asleep,

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