District 2

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Laura says goodbye and we walk to our separate classes. I stop at my locker and put my phone in it. I walk in the class and I notice the teacher isn't there . I sit down  and then as I'm unpacking my backpack a piece of paper hits me in the head .I rub the spot where it hit and out of the corner of my eye I see something dash by the window .hmm that's weird I guess no one else saw it. I turn around to see who threw the paper and of course it was one of phoenix's cronies .I throw a quick glare their way and turn back around in my seat .the teacher comes in and thus begins a new boring day at Hawkthorne academy .I barely pay attention let alone take notes .mainly in most of my classes I stare out the window or go to sleep ,but for some reason I couldn't fall asleep so I did what I thought any normal person would do. I daydreamed .

I daydreamed about my mom ,god I really miss her .I wish mom was still here because it seemed like she was the only person who understood me .Its like she knew every solution to my problems and if she didn't, then she would guide me through how to fix those problems. You   see ,I never really fit in with people . I especially didn't fit in with people at school and the teachers didn't like me because I was always ,missing classes .The real reason I'm always missing school is because I have to go to therapy to cope with my mothers loss .When my mother died of stage 3 breast cancer ,it really took a toll on my mental health .My mother was the light in my world of shadows and when she died it threw me into a state of depression .I'm still fighting that depression today but I can't afford the therapy anymore because I lost my job and it has been really difficult finding a replacement job just temporarily .So I haven't told anyone that I lost my job .Anyways ,when I stopped daydreaming I realized it had started raining. The bell rung and I decided that I wanted to skip the rest of the day and head to the skatepark .I went to my locker to grab my things .I texted Laura where I was going and then I left .

After a couple hours of hanging out at the skatepark and doing tricks, I decided to go home .By that time it was around 1pm because I had left school at 10am .I went home ,got a shower and changed into a comfy hoodie .As I was about to finish studying I heard the door slam and I got scared. I looked out my bedroom window and saw my dads car. He shouldn't be home this early he gets off of work at 5pm  I thought to myself. He yelled from downstairs and said ,Ray GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW !! I was scared but reluctantly ,I went downstairs . He grabbed my hand and threw me to the ground .What the hell was that for ? I asked .Tell me why the school called me and told me that you've been skipping classes?! and when I come home to confront you ,I find mail on my doorstep saying that you were fired from your job a month ago??! 

I told him I had been skipping classes because I was going through depression and needed some time for myself .Depression ? hahahahah very funny raven you have no reason to be depressed. I yelled at him and said ,No reason to be depressed ?!?! mom DIED a month ago .Raven  Castillo you are not allowed to speak of her name in this household .Your mother is dead and I am now your parent Get used to it . YOU? Of all people ,YOU want to say you're MY PARENT? Give me one reason why you are my parent . Of course I'm your parent raven .I pay the rent and I buy groceries and I pay for you to go that horrible preppy school. That has nothing to do with this dad ,being a parent is more than just doing the necessities .Your job as a parent is to support me through whatever I am going through .Hell I am more of a parent than you will ever be dad ! I am sick and tired of dragging your passed out drunk body inside so you don't freeze to death ! I'm done ever having you in my life and i wish you weren't my father! That was the last time I ever saw my dad because as soon as i said that i stormed out and didn't look back .

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