Saying Goodbyes And Moving On

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I walk downstairs and my father and a man I had never seen before was sitting on the couch talking when I entered the room both stop talking and looked up at me. I moved closer because my father motioned for me to the closer on the walk over there it felt like butterflies were going to erupt from mu stomach at any moment I stopped in front of them and looked at my father waiting for him to say something. 

"Draco aren't you going to speak to our guest and not just stand there looking at me what a waste of space you are".  

"Sorry father hello sir it's nice too meet you" I said looking at the man I had looked at him when I first entered the room but this was the first time I really saw him.  His eye's were green likes Harry's but the didn't hold the same light and power to stop my breath from just looking at them if anything his eye only held darkness in them and he had large eye bags under them. He had a sharp jawline and he also was well built but something about him gave off a very dark aura that horrified me to no end. 

"Hello Draco my name is Isaac Hanover I'm an old friend of you father it's nice to meet you as well" His voice was deep and starchy only adding to the man's creepy aura. 

 The man stood up and slowly walked over to me and placed his hand on my cheek his hand was rough and I felt sick just from him placing his hand on me but, then he said something that made me snap pout of my thoughts. 

"Yes just as you said he is very thin and his skin is very soft I will take the boy the money is yours I want him pack and ready to leave by tonight". He said hand still placed on my cheek I felt anger course through my body and I did something I never thought I would have the guts to do I  screamed at my father. He looked shocked at first but then he stood up and hit my in the face with his cane leave a huge gash across my cheek I howled in pain and my father started to yell and Isaac throw punches to my body every now and then before he started to yell with him but the noise all became background noise as I started to just lay there and think. 

It was silly for me to think that I would finally be able to escape my father I will always be trapped and bonded to him not matter what I do. Harry just the though of his name made me smile I was going to have to fight for him he was the only one I need in this world. The screaming started to become louder again but the sound of the front door begin thrown open is and I looked to the side and saw harry and soon after I heard to two words that couldn't be unsaid before a blinding light was released from his wand. 

Avada Kedavra  

I heard the sound of bodies hitting the ground and both my father and his friend was next to each other I looked over and my eye's widen I looked back at Harry who stood at the door speechless at what just happened. I knew one of us had to do some quick thinking so I hoped up and ran over to harry and placed my hand on his face and called his name trying to gain his attention. 


after realizing what I had done I was stuck I could believe that I had just killed two men but, they were hurting Draco and I couldn't think straight that was the first word that came to mind as I rushed in before I could even think Draco rushed over to me and placed a hand on my face and called my name try to get my attention but I was scared that when he finally had it he would be scared of me. I finally looked up and Draco let out a sigh in relief. 

"We have to go now okay what happened here can never be repeated to anyone".  Draco said looking into my eye's I knew that he was right we had to go or we would both be thrown in jail. No matter what happened here today the court would say that there was away another was and that I should have gotten help instead. Draco took my hand and oved upstairs and packed up all his clothes into a suitcase and shrunk them down I watched wondered what was going through his mind right now. Did he hate me or fear me either one would break my heart. After he was finish we made our way back down and Draco took my hand and pulled  to the back yard he looked at me. 

Harry after I do this we need to get far away this place as we can no matter what I want you to know that I love you more than anything and I will do anything to protect you like you have me. He said tears filling his eyes I pulled him into a kiss and mumbled an okay on his lips. Draco pointed his wand at the manor whispered a spell before a flame over took the place after that I took Draco back to my place and pack my bags. We left into Hogsmeade change all our money over to American dollar and made the trolls swear not to tell anyone were here. We hopped on the train and took it as far as we could  and we did this two more time before we stopped at a small town. 

After changing our name to Harry and Draco Evans and buying a house we became comfortable and felt safe with each other. Many year later I married Draco and now 6 years later me and Draco can say this is the happiest we have ever been. It did take a while for him to move on and forget everything his father did but, eventually his moves on but forgetting is a different story but I never excepted him to forget what happened. I still write to the twins and they come and visit me and Draco every once in a while. Hermione and Ron got married but it didn't last for long seeing as she caught Ron cheat(pay back is a bitch) Ginny apparently got married but the twins told me that it wasn't going to workout because the guy was "Harry Potter Rich". Word has it that Dumbledore got locked up in Azkaban apparently someone tipped them off about him have plans to harm a student and they gave him a truth serum and he told them everything weird wonder who that was. (💅🏾 again payback is a bitch)

- The End 

Well guy this is it the last chapter but after I got back and correct the book I will start on the next book sorry for the wait been a little busy lately hope you enjoy and see you in the next one I'm think an xreader book or another Drarry bye. 


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