The Storm

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Hey guys I just want to say this chapter has a trigger warning I will tell you when it starts

(3rd Pov)
After the date Draco and Harry went back to the ROR showered ( separately of course) and watched movies for the rest of the night till they went to bed.

I woke up the next morning with a heavy weight on my chest I opened my eyes and saw draco. I thought my heart was going to stop seeing him lay on me I felt I had finally found a purpose in life and that was to be by dray's side. I moved him off of me and went to take a shower before heading too get breakfast for me and dray. I was about to walk to the kitchen when Dumbledore stopped me and pulled me into his office.

"Harry I see you haven't made up with your friends yet and you haven't slept in your room all year" Dumbledore said in a annoyed tone

"No I haven't made up with them and I don't plan on it we aren't friend anymore and there's nothing more to it" I shouted at Dumbledore I was annoyed and wanted to get back to dray.

"Well I'm sorry to hear that but, could tell me why you all aren't friends anymore" Dumbledore said

"We just grow apart nothing more if  that's  all my I go" I said raising to leave I knew why we weren't friend anymore but Dumbledore didn't need to knew that. I was going to turn all them over to the Ministry at the end of the year for stealing and planning to kill me I just need to wait a little longer.

"Harry I really think you should make up with your friends it would be in your and draco's best interest and yes you may leave " Dumbledore said in a threatening tone.

I looked at him shocked before leaving the office and heading to the kitchen to get breakfast for me dray only too be stopped again by Ron,Hermione,and Ginny

"Hey Harry I didn't know you were a fag (my heart broke writing that word) if I knew I would have let you shake the ferrets hand in first year"Ron said with a smug look with Hermione and Ginny beside him looking disgusted

"Y'know what Ron fuck you if you ever call me that again I will fucking break your jaw" I screamed at Ron

Will if you didn't want everyone to know you should look at the daily prophet Ron said throwing on the ground and walking away. I picked up the newspaper and saw a picture of me and dray kissing and my heart stopped I throw the newspaper down and took off running to the ROR.

I woke up to the sound of an owl tapping on the window and saw Harry nowhere to be seen think I g  maybe he went the bathroom I went to the window and let the owl in and saw it was my father's and my heart stop what did I do now. The owl landed on my shoulder and with shaking hands I took the letter off and read it.

The letter

Draco why the hell is there a picture of you on the cover of the daily porphet kissing a boy you little fag do you know what you have done to our family's name when I get my hands on you I will kill you and don't even think about staying at Hogwarts over break you are too come home and when you do I have the perfect punishment.

Disgusted and appalled
Your Father

"Harry where are you I need to talk to you" I said running toward the bathroom and going in only to find No one else were was Harry did he see the daily prophet and left too was this all a joke to him was I just a joke. I couldn't breath at this point thinking that it was all a joke and  that I didn't mean anything too him because  if Harry didn't want me I didn't want to be here. I quickly went to where I was hiding my razors and wrote a letter to Harry.

Harry I'm sorry but I couldn't face the thought of you not wanting my anymore you were the only light I had left and now you gone too I have always loved you
Trigger Warning attempted suicide

I sat the letter on the bed and went into the bathroom and put the razor up to my wrist and made long gashes all over both my arm the pain was unbearable and I dropped to the ground screaming in pain but luckily it would all end soon I  waited the sound's around me became muffled as I heard banging on the door but I was too weak to understand what was going on and I didnt care I closed my eyes and everything went silent.

Writing this chapter really broke my heart you guys just don't know.
Holy crap it has been a long time sorry for the wait but to make it up to you guys I made this chapter a little longer as a I'm sorry for making you wait present. I hope everyone had a lovely Halloween and entill next time little peanuts

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