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People have asked why Johnny didn't just leave when she got abusive. Well, he tried multiple times, but she would convince him to come back and stay. She would always gaslight him, and manipulate him to stay.
I've heard of people in abusive relationships who tried to leave, but would always come back because of how convincing they would be.
So if you know someone who's in an abusive relationship/ marriage, help them in any way you can so they can stay safe. That's what Johnny needed, was help to escape the nightmare he was living in.
Johnny is a gentleman, he respects a woman that he's with and treats her like a queen. Even when Amber was terrorizing his life he didn't want to ruin her reputation! Even when he got the bathroom door slammed into his head, he made sure Amber was okay because the door scraped her toes! He didn't have to do that! That's the heart of a good man! She even tries to justify her abuse! "But I was hitting you, I wasn't punching you. Babe, you weren't punched!" That alone is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. That's like saying "I didn't push you down, I shoved you," or "I didn't pull your hair, I was yanking it," or "I didn't slap you, I high fived your face."
"YOU ARE SUCH A BABY! GROW UP!" she then screamed when Johnny said, "Don't tell me what it feels like to be punched."
She proceeded to throw insult after insult to him and that made me hate her even more as I was listening to the recording.
It infuriates me that someone who clearly respects women is getting the fall for something he didn't do. I honestly got the chills when I realized how many times she must have gotten him to fall back into her trap. As I mentioned a few chapters back, I don't know what happened to her to cause her to have such bad mental health, but I hope she gets help to become less aggressive and violent,.
He deserves someone who treats him the way he deserves to be treated, and who isn't a gold digger. I am earnestly hoping that life will get better for him soon.

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