All the good times

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We would always have sleepovers and go to fun places but there is this one trip I loved the most .

I woke up and had my suitcase packed then I got a call from nick and he said " good morning ready for the trip to Branson " I then said very tired " yeah I am can't wait " he then said " ok see you in 20 - 30 minutes bye " he hung up the phone . I then jump out of bed and got ready. He arrived I got in the car and we were on our way . Hours go bye and we finally get there after eight bathroom breaks , and 12 different stops because my mom wanted to take photos . We got a hotel and it had a pool so me and nick got on our bathing suit's and went down too the pool . It was packed with people but we still had fun after the pool closed we went up to our room . Now our moms had a room and we had a room so we happy not having parents tell us what to do . We watched a movie and fell asleep in our beds .we woke up and got some breakfast and got in the car to go Explorer the town firstly went to the titanic and then to the bumper cars we had a lot of fun. We thought we were going home but we went to Silver dollar city we were so excited. We went straight to the roller coasters I was a little scared but I went on any way we stayed till dark then went and arrived around 2:00 in the morning. My dad carried me and nick to the couch and we slept there .

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