bored until boarding

18 4 0

It was him. It really was him. I turned back as quickly as possible immediately making eye contact with Emma. My eyes said it all. Well, by all I mean a big jumble of emotions. From confused, to surprised, to sorta happy for some reason, I didn't know what to say.  After a few seconds I found myself looking down at the floor, once again questioning how on Earth he was here, and why I felt a connection to this mysterious man. My phone buzzing underneath my hand brought me back to reality and I checked the notification.

Emma <3
soo? do you believe me now?

Addison <3
Yes... but how in the world is he here!?

Emma <3
You act like I know that! You should talk to him

Addison <3

Emma <3
Come onnn! It'll be worth it
Besides, your eyes lit up when you saw him sitting behind us

Addison <3
sure they did

Emma <3
I haven't seen your eyes light up like that in years. you think he's cute don't you ;)

Addison <3

Emma <3
Stop lying. I can see right through you. I'll get you guys to talk to each other if it's last thing I do

Addison <3
okay okay weirdo we'll see about that haha

The airport speakers clicked on, breaking the silence at our gate.

"Gate number 25, flight from Doli to York New may begin boarding at this time.  I repeat, gate number 25 may begin boarding."

"Should we wait a bit for the line to die down?" I asked.

"Sure," Emma replied.

We sat for another 5 or so minutes, and the guy behind us was still sitting down. Did he have the same idea as us? It wasn't a big deal so the question slipped through my mind rather quickly. The guy finally got up to go stand in the line, which the end of the line was pretty much straight ahead from where we were sitting.

I found myself almost staring at him. As he was walking he turned around to face me, and our eyes met. He was much more attractive up close. After a short second of looking at each other, he gave a little smile and turned back around. The feelings I was feeling at that moment would've taken a million words to explain. Butterfly's immediately filled my stomach, and my face must've turned bright red too. Emma then turned to me and began speaking.

"Let's get in line now," she said

I knew exactly what she was doing.


"No buts, come on," she said as she grabbed my arm pulling me to my feet.

We walked up to the line with the guy in front of us. My stomach was still filled with butterflies, and the sickening feeling just got stronger standing next to him. The man was WAY taller than I expected him to be. He stood at about 6'10 I'd guess. He had medium length white hair, and he wore a blue cap. Interesting fashion choice I'd say. He gave off this aura that just radiated positivity, making me feel safe. I enjoyed being near him to say the least.

The line started to die down after another two minutes, and we were almost to the front of the line. Emma and I were both on our phones scrolling through random stuff when all of a sudden somebody from in front of me put one finger on my phone, lowering it down from my eyesight.

I looked up quickly to see who it was. I had a feeling I already knew, but I just wanted to make sure my instinct was right. (Which it was)

"What's your name?" The man said from in front of me, his voice dark and deep, but also very warming.

"I'm Addison, and you?" I replied back.

I noticed his finger still on my phone, so I looked down. As I looked down he said something.

"May I add my number to your phone?"

"Sure, go for it. Don't forget to add your name."

"Alright. I'm Kite, by the way." He said slightly looking up at me.

"Kite, an interesting name. I like it."

"My real names Kaito, but everyone just calls me Kite," he said handing back my phone, "So what're you going to York New for?"

"Oh, just a short vacation with my best friend Emma. This is her by the way," I said gesturing to her behind me.

"Hi! Nice to meet you!" Emma said.

"Nice to meet you too," he replied, "how long are you staying?"

"A week actually. You?"

"Same here. I was invited to a wedding and it'd be rude not to show up."

"Ah got it, so where are you staying?"

"There's a hotel up the street from Heavens Arena I'm staying at I believe, I don't recall the name though. It's got great ratings on the view, and I couldn't resist it"

"Ohh cool! We're somewhere near Heavens Arena beach, it has a view of the beach and Heavens Arena. It was pretty pricey but it'll be worth it."

"Yeah I bet! You guys go to the beach often?"

"Yeah! We love the beach. That's where we spend most of our time."

"Then it'll be a nice surprise to see you there once we arrive at York New," he said turning around to scan his boarding pass and board the plane.

"See ya!" He said throwing up his hand slightly, halfway turned around.

Wow, I thought to myself. There's NO way I just did that. Was that an invitation to the beach? Will he be there? What time? What do I wear? Which part of the beach? Why-

"Addison! Calm down!" Emma exclaimed.

She could definitely tell that I was overthinking the whole thing.

"We'll get it figured out. But for right now, all I know is that we're going to the beach first thing baby!"

I laughed at her as people stared, wondering what these two maniacs were screaming about. I had a feeling the next few days were going to be life changing.


Hey everyone! Thank you so much for all of these reads, and I promise to continue this story! I feel that I have a special connection to writing this, and I'm really enjoying it so far. Also, HUGE HUGE HUGE shout out to my bestfriend secret_storyteller10 They are writing a story, with an INCREDIBLE plot line! I really suggest you check it out, because it really is amazing so far!

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