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My cheeks heated up more when I heard the pet name, " What's wrong? Don't like the name? " he asked, I shook my head in response. Then, he leaned a litte bit more and whispered " I have a secret to tell you, wanna know what it is? ", I nodded, " I like you, Kim Junseo " he confessed.

My heart skipped a beat, this is a dream, right? I thought, " Are you okay? " he asked worriedly. " I'm okay, just a little surprised a bit " I reassured him, he sighed in relief, " Why don't you go to sleep? Me and others can clean this up later " he said as he ruffled my hair. I blushed and he chuckled, " You're really cute, Junseo " he said and gave me a kiss on the cheek before walking out.

After he left, I sat on the floor thinking about the things that just happened. My heart was beating so loud that I could hear it in my ears, I quickly got up and ran to Yongha hyung to tell him about this.

(Yongha's pov)

I was in the kitchen, waiting for a certain someone to come in and finally the person came, " Hey, Yohan " I called and he hummed in response. " I'm sorry for hitting you last time. It's just that I wa- ", " Jealous? I know " he cut me off, " I should be the one to apologise for being too close with Seokhwa when I know how protective you when it comes to him " he said and we both chuckled.

I looked at him and thought that there was something wrong because he looked sad, " Are you okay? You look like you lost something " I asked, " Well, let's just say something happened in the bathroom earlier " he replied with a smile. " What happened? " I asked curiously, " I......I confessed to him " he said, " Really?! ", " Yeah.....but it seems like he doesn't feel the same way " he said with a sad smile.

I couldn't help but feel sorry for him, " But I guess it's all in my head. I don't know " he said. " Anyway, I'm gonna head to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us ", " Okay, goodnight. I'll be in the room soon " I said before he left for bed.

After he left, I stayed to clean a few things when I heard a soft cry near the hallway, I put down the stuff I was holding and walked towards the cry. As I got closer, I saw Junseo curled up while crying and he was whispering things to himself, he eventually saw me and bawled out even more. I pulled him into hug and let him cry all he wanted, soon he stopped and sniffled " I still love him hyung.......I still do " and I nodded. " It's okay, I know he does too. Now you go head to bed so that you are well rested for tomorrow, okay? " I said and he nodded before we parted ways.

(Author's pov)

The next day, the boys had a full scheduel. First, they had some music shows to attend, then some interviews and finally radio shows. Despite the tiring schedule, the boys put on their best smile and energy for the fans and gave their best. After weeks of working, finally they got to rest, have fun and catch up on things.

All of them agreed on hanging out together later after getting some sleep. In Seokhwa and Daehyeon's room, they were both in deep slumber, in Donghan and Junseo's room, they too were too tired to change so they just slept in their coats and socks.

In Yongha and Yohan's room, Yongha was fast asleep on his bed while Yohan was getting ready for his separate schedule, he took a quick shower, changed his clothes, packed his stuff and left the dorm for work. Around the evening, the other members had woken and started to have fun, Donghan and Seokhwa began making dinner since everyone was hungry while the other three were in a room playing video games.

After while, the door opened to a very tired and exhausted Yohan, he took off his shoes and walked towards the kitchen to see what was going on. " Donghan hyung! Seokhwa! What are you guys making? " he asked as he sat on a chair across the island, " Some fried rice, grilled meat and some side dishes " Seokhwa replied as he leaned against the island.

" Hyung, are you okay? You look exhausted " Seokhwa asked worriedly, " I'm okay, I just finished a few scenes and had to do a few retakes but I'm okay " Yohan reassured. " Well, why don't you go wash up and call the others to eat, hm? " Donghan said and Yohan nodded, " Okay, hyung " taking his stuff and headed to his room.

Minutes later, Yohan was about to leave his room when he heard a knock on the door, he opened the door to see Junseo, holding an emergency kit and a few ointments. " Hyung, are you okay? " Junseo asked, waving his hand, " Yeah, I'm okay. So what do you need? ". " Well, I-I came here to treat your wounds if that's okay with you? " Junseo blushed and Yohan ruffled the boy's hair and chuckled at the boy, he smiled and let the boy in.

 They both sat on the bed and Junseo became shy, his heart was beating so fast and his palms were sweaty, " You okay? " Yohan asked as Junseo snapped out of his thoughts. " Yeah " he replied as he took Yohan's arm and began rolling up the sleeves, " This might hurt a little, hyung " Junseo warned and Yohan hummed in response.

The younger gently applied the ointment so that he doesn't hurt his hyung, the older just admired the younger boy. Junseo is cute, pretty and very interesting Yohan thought, the younger had finished healing Yohan's wounds and began cleaning up. " Thank you, baby boy " Yohan said as he rolled down his sleeves while looking at the younger.

Junseo blushed and replied, " You're welcome, hyung ", Yohan ruffled the younger boy's hair and pecked the top of the younger's head, making Junseo freeze in his spot. Yohan walked out of the room to get the others, leaving Junseo a blushing red mess in the room, he couldn't wait to tell Yongha about this and ran out to keep the emergency box.

Yohan walked to the room next door and knocked, " Dinner is ready " he yelled, " Okay " the other two yelled. The door opened and they walked out, headed to the living room to eat. Once everyone arrived, " Thank you for the food " they said before they began their meal. 

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