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Got nothing to say but I present to you CHAPTER 14! Hope you enjoy this chapter that I again didn't plan. 


(Daehyeon pov)

Here I am in the 99s room, listening to Yohan who was explaining all the drama that was going with all of us. " So you're saying that all this chaos started after the rumour came out? That's weird " I said with confusion, " I guess. After what happened, things have been chaotic. Yongha and Seokhwa have been having a shaky relationship, me and Junseo are having trouble with our feelings while you and Donghan hyung have been awfully quiet " Yohan replied and I looked away.

" Ah come on hyung, you can tell me. I can't really give much advice but I could listen " Yohan said and the older sighed, " Alright, so me and Donghan fought a day before the shoot. ". Yohan nodded, mentioning the older to continue, " I was working on a few things when he came in and that's when it started ".

Yohan nodded and patted the older's back, " Love is hard isn't it? " Yohan said to Daehyeon. " Hahahahah, I agree " and they both laughed. " Hyung? " Yohan called and Daehyeon hummed in response, " Can I tell you this but promise me you won't tell the others? " he asked. " Alright, I promise " the older said, " What is it? ".

" Well, I just wanna confess to Junseo and I don't mean like just I love you's but I wanna tell him how he makes me feel. How his smile brightens my day, his eyes that are so pretty and just tell him he's perfect " Yohan said as he laid on his bed and looked up at the ceiling. The older nodded and smiled, " Like always, you have a pretty heart ".

" What do you mean? " he asked, face filled with confusion. " What I mean is that you didn't mean to hurt the boy, you just didn't know how to tell him your feelings. You were scared of rejection " Daehyeon said looked at his feet, remembering the good memories with Donghan. " I know Donghan still loves you hyung " Yohan said and Daehyeon replied, " I hope so "


The other four sat in the living room, waiting patiently for Daehyeon to come out of the room. " What if Yohan is silently beating him up? " Yongha said and the others shook their heads. " I don't think so, why don't we just think positive? " and they all nodded at Donghan's words. A while later, Daehyeon had walked out the 99s room and into the living room to see the others were waiting for him.

Donghan was first to walked up to him and checked if Daehyeon was hurt or bruised. " What are you doing? " Daehyeon looked at him weirdly, " Hehe, checking for wounds " the other said as he scratched the back of his neck. Daehyeon pulled Donghan by his waist and connected their lips. Donghan tried to push Daehyeon away because he was embarrassed but at that moment, he didn't care.

The other three members eyes widened at the scene and decided to leave the two alone. They all went into the big room and played a few games while who knows what Daehyeon and Donghan are up to in the living room. " How about we play some games before going out to eat? " Yongha suggested and the maknaes nodded.


Yohan was packing his bag and getting ready for his shoot that evening, he did his best to hide the bruises so they wouldn't be seen and prayed the staff wouldn't question his wounds. As he was getting ready, he heard a knock at the door. He walked to the door and opened it, " Hi hyung " Seokhwa said as he waved hello.

Yohan just laughed and let him in, Seokhwa happily walked in and sat on Yohan's bed as the older continued getting ready for his shoot. " Hyung? Where are you going? " the younger asked, " I have a shoot for a night scene so I have to get ready " he replied and the other nodded. " I'll be home late so don't stay up for me alright? I don't wanna see any of you being tired the next day " 

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