Chapter 3

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Third person P.O.V.

"Mhmm whatever you say."

"I haven't!"

"Okay okay, I believe you!" you said and started laughing.

"Your laugh is really pretty Y/N.." the call goes silent. 'No way he just said that, I must have misheard..' you thought to yourself.

"Simp." You say trying to lighten the mood.

"Oh shut it." You and Tommy laugh and talk for a while, before he told you that he had to go. You both said bye and and the call. You started thinking back to what he had said to you earlier. 'Your laugh is really pretty Y/N' Your cheeks burned red and you put your head in your hands. 'Don't be stupid Y/N he probably ment it in like a friend way, not that that is normal anyway but still I'm just over reacting.' You start to feel butterflies in your stomach and then remember how you were going to stream with him tomorrow. You were thinking about how you were going to get through the whole stream without thinking about what tommy said, when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" You yelled and Wilbur walked in.

"Everything alright?" He asked and you nodded "Well I made dinner, it actually tastes pretty good, so I recommend that you hurry up before it gets cold." Before you had moved in with Wilbur a few months ago, he was living alone, meaning he could eat fast food for dinner. He didn't know how to cook and neither did you, so you decided that three days a week you would cook and three days he would cook. On sundays you guys would always cook together, having decided that it was one, Safer and two a lot more fun. It worked okay, except for that one time you almost burned down the house. You had picked up the whole cooking thing a lot faster then Wilbur did, but the food never tasted bad, it just wasn' the best and you guys were okay with that.

"What did you make?" You asked when you walked out of your room and into the kitchen.

"Pasta and some type of chicken."

"Well it smells really good.." You said while sitting at one of the stools next to the counter. You guys did have a table, but prefired to eat in the kitchen, neither of you knew why, but that's where you always ate. You take a bite and your eyes widen "Bro.. This actually tastes really good!" You say and take another bite.

"Told ya! I've been getting better!"

After dinner you said goodnight to your brother deciding that you were actually really tired and just wanted to go to bed.


Date: September 6th, 2020

The next morning you woke up and the sun was shining right in your eyes again. 'I really have to get in the habit of closing that before I go to bed.' You thought to yourself. You look at your phone to see the time when you noticed that you had gotten a twitter DM from Dream. 'The Dream, like the guy who makes manhunt videos!' You thought. You opened your phone and went straight to the message.





Do you have discord? I need to talk to you about something, but I would rather do it in a call.

Why so you have no evidence of what you are going to say to me?

Lmao, yeah I have discord.

ZoneLynx#**** (Your Username)


Lol, I'm following you now, follow me back..



You get up and start your pc immediately going to discord. You added Dream and a few minutes later he called you. You put your head phones on and then joined the call.

"Ello?" You asked making sure your mic was on.

"Hello!" Dream replied and you jumped slightly, not explcting him to be so loud.

"Hello, so what did you want to talk to me about?" It felt kinda weird talking to someone that I was such a fan of for so long.

"Oh yeah, well I'll get right down to bussness. I would like you to join the DreamSMP." 

Late nights and missed messages (TommyInnit X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now