Chapter 13 ~ The Cat's Out of the Bag

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The night street is not as packed as predicted, it is eerily quiet, just a few cars and motorcycles passing by because it only took Eduard 15 minutes by car from the restaurant that they were at to Yuan Enterprise Building, one of the elite building in the whole of China.

The black Range Rover stops smoothly in front of the grand entrance of the rocketing building, the old driver, with hair full of white opens the door for the three, Eduard ducks slightly to get out of the car, with his casual clothes that he had changed to a formal black and white suit beforehand.

In addition to his strong looming presence, the 2 deadly stunning entourage by his side makes the air tenser, Alex with his combat boots and leather jacket, and Galina, with a black body-con spaghetti strap long dress with a slit that goes up her left thigh to show off her long lean legs. Little do people know, at the back of her leg, a series of weapons are concealed.

"Sir," All of the workers have been briefed about Eduard's coming, so there is no need for them to wait for confirmation, but of course, for safety measures, their whole body was checked by the security guard before coming in, you know, just in case, from the tens of weapons, they only manage to get 3.

Hmph. Lousy.

Eduard fixes his posture and walks inside the blinding lobby with many chandeliers to the huge receptionist wood marble combination table. The Chinese lady stands up in her flight attendant like attire, and slightly bows, welcoming the Russian Mafia Heir.

"Good evening, Sir," She speaks in perfect English, "Boss is waiting for you, please use the lift that is at the very right and press the button for the highest floor, his room will be immediately seen."

"Spasibo," Eduard faintly says as he walks away, Alex and Galina definitely shocked to hear that he would say one of the 3 magic words, because he is not the type to easily say that, which also comes as a shock for the 4 receptionists, who are trying really hard not to blush under the heavy blush they're wearing.

Since when do Mafia Bosses say thank you?

"She's a good influence for you, Boss," Alex grins, Galina swiftly looks to the left with no commentary. She has always been the quiet type, but today even more so.

"Fuck off, Alex," to which Alex laugh it off, and Eduard smiles fondly, just for a second so nobody sees, "She always told me to say thanks, you wouldn't want to suffer from her punch"

Eduard remembers an instance in a class where he dropped his pencil and somebody helped to take it and give it back to him, but he said nothing, and so the punch landed and a mafia heir traumatized, he shivers, "That woman's punch is lethal"

The other Russian couldn't hold it anymore and so he belts out a laugh, he really couldn't believe that Eduard is turning into a soft mush, oh no, not turning. Turned. But only for her. His Cassandra.


The metal door opens and Eduard is the first to come out of it, walking straight towards Han Yi's office, or rather Mr. Han Yi, as Alex said in the car, to call him with some sort of formality, if not Alex will give him hell.

All the workers turn their heads when the lift dings, all eyes go wide, jaws ajar looking at the 3 foreigners in their office, the ladies look towards the 2 adonis, and the male look towards the Aphrodite, and maybe even the opposite for some people.

"Boss has been waiting for you, Sir," Secretary Hua stands up and bow her head, she points to her boss' room, "Come, let me escort you," Eduard curtly nods and strides towards the thick-walled glass door.

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