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"I hope so."

After leaving the cathedral, the girl stood outside clueless. Where was she to go? Who would she talk to to find someplace to stay? Barbara was no help to her in that regard. Sighing, the girl goes off to find a bench to sit.

"What am I to do?" She murmered. Where had that Albedo disappeared to? She heard him say he was curious as to what'd happen but he couldn't stay long enough to hear her diagnosis. She twiddled with a flower she kept from when she picked so many flowers. The flower crowns had fallen apart rather quickly. All she had left was this one flower. She didn't even know what it was.

Without her realizing someone had sat next to her. And she continued to sigh and look down at her flower.

"What you have there is a lovely calla lily." A familiar voice spoke.

The girl jumped, being taken away from her thoughts. She looked next to her to find Albedo had come back.

"Wh- what?"

"The flower. It's a calla lily. I figure since you didn't know what a hiluchurl was, surely you wouldn't have known what the flower was either."

"Well, you're not wrong. Where did you disappear to?"

"To The Good Hunter. It's been a while since you've eaten. I brought you some food." He handed her a plate of delicious looking food, "it's just some fisherman's toast. So then, what did Barbara have to say?"

"Not much, just she couldn't find a cause for my memory loss, all she told me was to write stuff down and to find a place to stay. But how am I meant to find a place to stay? I don't know anyone here."

Albedo looked down and hmm'd to himself. He became contemplative. She wondered what he might have been thinking of.

"I do have an extra room at home."

The girl became wide-eyed. "Oh no you couldn't possibly be offering! You've done enough already."
He chuckled, "dont worry, I rarely ever come home to begin with so it'll be nice to have someone occupy the space for once."

"No but I seriously couldn't-"

"It's alright, I dont mind it at all. Though, when Klee comes searching for me she'll be surprised instead."


"My younger sister, she's rather excitable. I'm sure she'd like to meet you."

"Big brother!!!!!" A voice shouted.

"Speak of the devil. Hello, Klee its nice to see you. "

"Klee thought she wouldn't be able to play with you for forever!!!!" She jumped onto him to give him a hug.

"I didnt expect to come back so soon either. I assume I'll have more free time this time around."

"Awesome!!!! I'm sooooo excited" Klee turned to look at the strange girl. "Ohhh who's this? Someone new?? Hi! My name is Klee!"

The girl chuckled, "hello, Klee!!"

A Wish Granted (AlbedoxReader)Where stories live. Discover now