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Cecilia entered the room, "what did he want?" She spoke softly. It made Albedo nearly tear up. She was so painfully unaware of what went on in his head. Unaware of the way his heart was breaking.

"Cecilia, I must finish my research in Dragonspine. You'll be fine here in Mondstadt, won't you?"

Her heart dropped, "oh. But..."

Albedo sighed and smiled sadly, "I suppose I'll be needing an assistant on occasion." He looked at her, "but you're only now starting to be able to defend yourself against slimes. I'm afraid Dragonspine is still to dangerous for you."

"Albedo..." she started, she'd grown so accustomed to spending so much time with him. Not to mention she felt so safe with him, and having him gone would leave her feeling..... unsafe.

"Sucrose can bring you up the mountain, but only on occasion and you shouldn't stay long."

"Can't you keep me safe?"

He bites his lip before speaking, "I can't keep my eye on you while I'm experimenting."

I want to get away from you, he thought.

"You have Kaeya now, don't you? It's not like I'll be gone forever."

"But I can still visit, right?"

"As I said before, you can if Sucrose or Timeus is with you." He paused a moment, "you aren't afraid of Dragonspine are you?"

"I don't think so."

"Even after your first experience there? Or perhaps the nightmare that came after?"

"If you're with me then I'm not afraid of anything!"

Albedo looks to the ground "it was only one hilichurl, why do you put so much trust in me?"

"It's not just that. You saved me from freezing my butt off and you were my first friend."

"Kaeya will keep you safe from now on."

The conversation ends and Albedo begins to prepare to leave. The silent air was suffocating for the both of them. Something feels off. She thought to herself. She watched the boy scramble about the room. Picking up beakers and test tubes. As well as herbs and what not. He poured his concoction into a bottle and handed it to Cecilia.

"Make sure Klee has some regularly until her cold is gone."

She accepted it but didn't say a word. She only stared silently at the bottle. She wondered if she'd done something? The way he'd spoken Kaeya's name before was laced with distaste. She watched as he made his way towards the door. She stopped him by grabbing his hand.

"Why are you acting like this?"

He only glanced down at her hand taking it in his own, rather than the other way around.

"You have rather small hands. I never noticed." He spoke.

"You're avoiding my question again. Albedo, what's wrong?"

"I apologize if I seem rather off. I'm afraid my return to Dragonspine won't yield the results I hope for."

In a sense, what he spoke was right. He hoped to be able to overcome his affliction. Labeled, love, as some might say. Inflicted upon him by the girl who's hand he held. He left for Dragonspine to avoid the pain she left in him. With that, he left her there. Alone in the room. It might have been a rather large room. But it constantly felt small when filled with the chief alchemist and his assistant and students. Along with the dozens of books, experiments, herbs, creatures. Or the scattered pages and sketches.

Yet, somehow, the room now felt empty as she stood alone. She thought to collect her thoughts by cleaning up the room.

The day went by as she paced the streets of Mondstadt. Arms behind her, she bounced about, lost in thought. The world seemed to be against her. Taking away those she cared about. Perhaps, her personality drove them off? She talked too much, she was overly emotional. Far too expressive.

La la la la la la. She sung quietly to herself. The sun had long since set, and she was nearing the door to her home. Once she opened it she was attacked by none other than Klee. Cecilia smiled as she placed her hand atop her head. And Klee looked up at her, rather distraught.

"Klee? What's wrong?"

"Don't like you like big brother anymore?"

"Huh?" She widened her eyes at the girl, "of course I do, why do you ask?" She kneeled down and held Klee's hands.

"I saw you talking to Amber earlier. I was gonna gonna come give you a hug but then I heard you tell her you're dating Kaeya now! I thought you and big brother were going to be married and you were going to be my big sister!" She sniffled as she told her story. And Cecilia simply sighed and smiled at her.

"Just because I'm with Kaeya doesn't mean I can't still be your big sister! You and Albedo aren't blood, right?"

"You're still my sister?"

"Ohhh, of course I am, Klee! And I always will be no matter what!"

She still looked to the ground sadly.

"What is it?"

"Big brother must be so sad..."

"Why would he be?"

"Because he likes you a lot! Like he like likes you!"

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