one month

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It's been a month since Cecilia has been in the world of Teyvat. She continued living with Albedo and she eventually became accustomed to the roads of Monstadt. She'd accumulated her own amount of mora from working as his assistant.

Albedo and was generous with the amount she was paid. Which warranted various complaints from the humble girl. Cecilia was friendly with everyone in Monstadt. She made sure to bring back plenty of flower crowns when she returned from her occasional walks.

She trained of course! Amber volunteered to help her get stronger. It was enough for her to go not too far beyond the walls of Monstadt. In order to pick her flowers when Albedo was unable to accompany her.

Albedo enjoyed having her as his assistant. The most she did was help clean-up or keep things organized. The workspace was usually rather disorganized. As she worked she would hum tunes from her own world. They were incredibly different from those of Teyvat, but they were beautiful to him. The mellifluous sounds coming from her mouth kept him rather enticed. She never sang a song, she only hummed. It was enough to keep him tethered to her. She didn't exclusively hum while working. She hummed her various songs while she chopped up vegetables, picked flowers, walked around Monstadt. Any point where she was left without words to speak. 

He enjoyed allowing her to accompany his trips to sketch or research. She happily danced around the open areas and hummed. She picked up anything that made her curious and brought it back to Albedo. She was a curious girl and Albedo loved that about her. In regards to the chopping vegetables, mentioned before. She occasionally awoke before Albedo and prepared breakfast herself. With her, preparing breakfast was a race. She was so determined to win said race due to her feelings about Albedo helping her so much. She constantly searched for anything she could do in return. 

At the current moment, the two were on a walk. Currently, stopped for Albedo to paint. They were inseperable and the people of Monstadt had taken notice. Amber continuously teased her friend during training. Cecilia picked more and more flowers, along with several other things. She reached up into a tree in order to pick a sunsettia. However, the branch was too high and reaching up gave her a foot cramp instead. She doubled over and hopped.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ooooooowwww" She held her foot and huffed, "I just wanted the fruit, dumb foot."

Albedo hurried over towards her, "are you alright? What happened?"

"I just stretched my foot out too much trying to get that dumb fruit! I have a foor cramp I'll be fine." 

Albedo looked up, "is that the one?"

"Yeah, but I don't even want it anymore! It's not worth the foot pain." 

Albedo sighed, "you are incredibly dramatic." He spoke as he went and grabbed the fruit for her. He wasn't that much taller than her, he did have to use a different method to grab it. He hands it back to her and she hides her face behind it, "thank you," she spoke, still angry with the fruit.

Albedo smiled, he went and lightly pressed down on the fruit in order for her to lower her hands. He was so tempted to press a small kiss on her sweet nose. He pulled himself away before he lost all control. Cecilia huffed and took a bite into her sunsettia. "When will you be done sketching?"

"Just a moment. Are you tired?"

"Just a bit, I'm more agitated than anything."

"All over a foot cramp?"

"Yes! It's such an inconvenience."

"You'll encounter far worse."

"I'm fully aware! But it's not going to stop me from being a child about it." She sits on a rock and crosses her arms and legs.

"Your moods are unpredictable. Something so small is capable of getting you so worked up. And yet something far bigger can happen and your mood will still be as bright as the sun."

"What can I say? It's one of my many great qualities."

"I'm done, if you're ready to head back now."

"Yes, please. What did you sketch this time?"

"Nothing of importance."

"You always say that, I want to see what you sketched."

"Perhaps someday. Let's return, I have work that needs to be done."

"Mm, more chores for me then too."

"Which reminds me. Why don't you tell me of those melodies you hum so often?"

"Ah, just some songs from my world."

"Why don't you sing me a song? I'm curious what your world is like, you hardly share anything with me."

"I would prefer to continue humming. I'm not much of a singer."

"Some day I'll hear that voice of yours."

"Perhaps someday."

The two made their way back to Monstadt. As per usual, Cecilia handed out her flower crowns to any stranger she saw. She even gave away several fruits she'd picked up. It was something she never seemed to tire of. Albedo admired that about her. Although, on occasion he couldn't help but wish she didn't.

It seemed being so friendly with all of Monstadt had led other men to being rather friendly in return. Too friendly, flirtatious even. She always laughed it off. She took it as a joke type of flirting. She never took it seriously. Which, helped ease Albedo's mind. Knowing she wouldn't go off with them.

Upon entering the workshop, Sucrose was there tidying up. "Hello, Sucrose!"

"AHH!" She jumped up and dropped the papers in her arms. Cecilia simply rushed over and helped her pick them up.

"Oh, Cecilia, it's you! Don't sneak up on me like that."

"Sorry, I keep forgetting. I'll get it right next time."

Meanwhile, Albedo went off to continue experimenting. Cecilia watched as he threw multiple items into the crucible. She enjoyed watching him work, to the point she'd forget about her own chores.

Sucrose taps on her shoulder, "you're distracted again, Cecilia. You haven't handed the papers back to me."

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