Author's Note

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...rawr. Okay, well I'm really surprised as to how many people read this! This was just something I randomly wrote on a weekend. I didn't think I'd actually finish it. And then I got a whole bunch more reads than I usually do and even a comment on my first chapter and just... wow. I had to continue. So what'd you guys think? I absolutely love feedback. I want to know how I did! Please leave me a comment (criticism and praise welcome). Also, what do you think about a sequel? Leave me a comment pretty please with extra ice cream, whipped cream, sprinkles, and maple syrup on top? Yeah, so if I get enough people saying a sequel would be awesome then I'll post the first chapter.

Canada: Not that she doesn't already have the first chapter written.

*cough* No I don't. *cough*

France: Yes, you do. It starts in my perspective after all.

America: *laughing hysterically*

H-hey! Don't laugh! >////<

America: But you spelled cough as couch! Twice even!


England: ...he's right you know.

France: For once America is right.


America: HAHAHA! THAT'S BECAUSE I'M THE HERO! ...wait...

Anyway, take a bow everyone. That's the curtain closing for this story. *metaphorical curtain closing* And please comment!


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