To Fix a Wound

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        Kuma... whatever his name is does not like water. You'd think that an animal that spent so much time in the water where he lived would enjoy it, but no. This is why bath time was a problem. He wouldn't stay still.

"Come on Kumaroo," Matt sighed as he tried to hold the polar bear still. "Just let us wash you."

        I was excited when Matt offered to make me lunch. It would be just like when we were kids, pancakes and all. And then the stupid polar bear had to go and knock over the syrup. Real classy bear. I was worried Matt would go back to his mopey state from earlier, so I offered to clean the bear. Worst. Mistake. Ever.

"Who are you?" 

Matthew let out a somewhat exasperated sigh. "I'm Canada, and I'm going to be really angry if you don't let me wash the syrup out of your fur. It'll mat it."

        Kuma... The bear wriggled free from Matt's grasp and made a mad dash for the hallway. I tried to grab him, but he slipped right through my fingers. My hands came up covered in syrup and fur. Matthew sighed tiredly and sunk down the wall. Unfortunately for him he forgot that he way standing by the tub and he fell in, lower half getting soaked. I tried to stifle a giggle he glared at.

"Alfred, can you maybe get Kumakichi while I change?"

"Um sure," I responded, heading out the door to chase that devil of a bear. I'd given up on trying to remember his name.

        He wasn't hard to find. The tracks he left were sticky and somewhat wet. Catching him was another story. He dashed out of my grasp fast, all strength used to wriggle free.

"Come on you dumb bear!" I groaned. "I came here to make Mattie feel better, and you are not helping!"

He trotted out in front of me. "Who?"

"Gotcha!" I snatched him up.

        He wriggled and squirmed to be let go. His syrup fur started sticking to me and my shirt. I gritted my teeth, intent on keeping him still.

"Please devil bear!" I shouted, hoping Canada didn't hear that. "I just want to make Matt feel better... You've ruined everything."

He stopped squirming and let out what sounded like a sigh. "Don't you dare get water up my nose."

        I nodded, shocked. I hadn't realized he could say anything else besides who. He settled in my arms. Now that that was done I figured I'd look around until Matt finished dressing. My eyes glanced across a little clay figure that sat on the mantle above Canada's fireplace. I stared at it, memories buzzing.

        I had made that little thing when we were like five. It was a little moose, skinny and looking like it was going to topple over at any moment. I hadn't put a a lot of effort into it, but I didn't put a lot of effort into most of what I did when I was younger. It was just a lame, meaningless Christmas present, and yet Matthew had still kept it all those years. It made my heart melt to know he kept my gift when I hardly ever looked at the ones he'd given me. I didn't throw them out or anything, they were just tucked away in the attic that I never went into. 

Matthew wandered back into the room wearing his hockey jersey over a white shirt and a pair of jeans that were tatter slightly at the end. He looked down at the he bear relaxed in my arms. "How'd you manage that?"

"No clue," I shrugged, the bear adjusting his potion.

Matt took the polar bear from me, cradling it in his arms. "You might want to change your shirt."

"Yeah I know. I'm a sticky mess. I'll change after we get Kuma-what's-his-face washed."

        Matt carried the bear to the bathtub. He was calmer, but he sneezed and growled whenever I splashed him. Soon he was clean, dry, and asleep on the couch. Matthew flopped down next to him, eyes closed and almost passed out. I tried to think of something to do to continue to keep him in a good mood. Hockey game? Nope, very bad idea. I could already picture what would happen if his team lost, chaos. Take him to my house to play some video games? He looked too tired to get up. Watch a horror movie? Maybe later.

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