Silent Misery

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        Light invaded his senses. Where was he? What was that pounding? Something was definitely not right. He rubbed his eyes, things coming into focus. He was in a bedroom, several medical personnel and police officers standing in it. This place was all too familiar.

"H-hello? Can anyone tell me where I am?" No one noticed him.

        He turned to examine other parts of the room. A body bag was being taken out of the room. Had someone died? Well obviously, but the real question was who? Alfred was talking to one of the officers, holding a newly opened bottle of pain killers, completely empty now. Tears streaked his usually glowing face.

"Run through that again," he officer mumbled.

"I-I came up to check on h-him," the American sobbed. "B-but he wouldn't answer. I w-went down t-to get something t-to open the d-door. When I-I saw him..." he choked on his tears.

"Please be calm," the officer grumbled. "This is going in official records you know."

"Okay sir..." Alfred calmed himself slightly. "When I found him, I though he was sleeping, but then I spotted the pain killers... I-I never realised he'd try t-to..." Alfred breaks down, crying hard.

"Right," the officer nodded. "I'll get this filed. Please vacate this house within the hour."

        The officer left soon after. Alfred laid down on the bed, soaking the covers with tears. It must have been someone really important he'd lost to force "the Hero" into this state. Who could that be? His capital? England? A special someone no one knew about? Kumajirou padded into the room. Why was he here?

The little bear climbed up on the bed. "Where's Canada?"

        That hit like a bag of rocks. Things started to blur. The room started to spin, faster and faster. The one that never got noticed, why did he have to be the victim? He was choking for air, words, anything at all. The fact still lingered, strangling the breath from him.

Matthew Williams was dead.

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"Matt!" the images started shaking, shocking me awake. I slammed back against my chair, looking up at a blurry Alfred. "Phone call for you."

I took the phone, Alfred leaving the room. "Hello?"

"Why is Alfred staying with you?"

"Tino?" I questioned, blindly searching my desk for my glasses.

"Yes, it's me," he sighed. "You still haven't answered my question."

"He's sick," I replied. "I'm looking after him."

"Oh," there was a slightly pause. "He sounds like he's doing better."

"He's fine now. Just bothering people as usual."

"So anyway," the Fin starts. "I've decided I'd just call everyone about the Christmas party instead of send out invitations. I'm just too busy."

"Party planning slowing you down?" I asked.

"I'm behind six week in present wrapping," he yawns. "Plus I've lost about five nights of sleep."

"Den said he'd take the party off your-"

"NO!" I jumped at his raised volume. "I mean, I can handle it, promise."

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