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"You're holding it wrong." Remi's disinterested voice carried over to Alissa, making the bow in her hands waver.

She decided to ignore her, drawing the string further and aiming the arrow at a nearby tree. She missed the mark by several feet.

"Told you."

Alissa whirled around, eyes blazing. "Well, if you're such an expert, feel free to demonstrate."

As if she'd been waiting for her chance, Remi snatched the bow, and, in a flawless motion, aimed and delivered a perfect bullseye. Alissa frowned, her hands balling in tight fists despite herself. Remi's annoying snigger rang in her ears as she, very unceremoniously, stormed out of the campsite.

Goddamn brute!


After the first time, Mason, little by little, became a regular participant in their Wednesday evening meetings, and Lisa didn't mind at all. Not only was Mason an adorable 5-year-old, but Roseanne came out of her shell more around him, which Lisa found downright captivating. She truly was a different person with him, and Lisa could clearly see that there was a whole different side to the woman besides the cool-and-collected which Lisa had mostly been around to witness. Lisa found herself eagerly waiting for Wednesday evenings; those days, she was already biting her nails in anticipation around noon. And when it was 6pm sharp, the bell above the shop door would jingle, and Roseanne would step in, preceded by a whirlwind named Mason who sprinted in, excited to be in the shop again.

Used to their weekly routine, Lisa wasn't at all prepared when the familiar blonde made an appearance one Saturday morning, Mason in tow. She completely missed what the customer in front of her was asking, her eyes glued to the unexpected pair that was now standing in the middle of the shop.

"I'm sorry?" She forced herself to concentrate on the man before her.

"Could I have a bag for this?" He repeated and indicated the book in his hand.

"Yes, of course." She fumbled with the bag, but finally managed to hand it over. Wishing him a good day, she was finally able to turn to her surprise visitors. "Everything all right?" She automatically assumed something was up, since Roseanne didn't seem like the kind of person who would easily deviate from a routine. "Hi, kid," she added then, smiling brightly at the boy who was grinning right back.

"I would like to ask you for a favor." Roseanne looked somewhat hesitant.

"Fire away."

"I have a meeting at noon, and the person who usually takes care of Mason just called in sick, so I was wo-,"

"He can stay here during your meeting." Lisa nodded immediately, resulting in an excited shriek from Mason.

"Are you sure?" Lisa found it amusing that Roseanne still didn't look convinced, although she'd just asked for the favor herself. If she were honest, Lisa was ridiculously flattered Roseanne had thought of her.

"Of course, I am. We're going to have fun, aren't we, little man?" Lisa ruffled Mason's hair affectionately, earning an excited giggle from him. "Seriously, Roseanne. Don't worry, I'll take care of him."

"All right. Thank you."


"I'll pick him up as soon as I'm done with the meeting."

"We'll be here."

"And be careful with the sugar, I don't want him all hyped up."

"Got it."

And the Sunlight Clasps the Earth (Chaelisa)Where stories live. Discover now