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Alissa's own secret weighed heavily on her mind as they trudged along the faint path on the forest floor. She kept her eyes trained at Remi's back, the arrows in the other woman's quiver rattling ever so slightly with every step. Not telling the truth felt utterly dishonest now that Remi had exposed her own past, her desperate need to flee the confines of the royal court. She couldn't believe how much she related, and it dawned on her how big of a hypocrite she actually was. Alissa suddenly stopped walking, her feet rooted to the spot.

"We should set up camp soon. It's getting late," Remi noted, eventually glancing over her shoulder when no answer was forthcoming. "Alissa?" She frowned, fully turning around and taking a few, hesitant steps towards her travel companion.

"I'm a princess," Alissa uttered hurriedly, the need to come clean unbearable. "My father is King Stephan."

Remi blinked, her shoulders minutely relaxing. There was suddenly a glint in her eye as she smiled a smile so charming that Alissa felt her heart stutter.

"I know."


The nearly intoxicating scent of paper and ink filled Lisa's nose as she opened the door and stepped into Biblio. The sense of utter happiness followed as she cast a look around the familiar space for the first time in more than a week. God, she'd missed this place!

She barely managed to get her morning routine done before the first customers already entered, many of them wondering about the unexpected shutdown of the shop. Lisa assured them that they were definitely in it for the long-haul.

The clock struck ten when, as if on cue, the door swung open once more, this time causing Lisa's heart to do a somersault. Roseanne stood in the middle of the shop, her hands clasping the ill-fated briefcase that had started the entire debacle. The scene was so reminiscent of how things used to be, but now there was this new, wonderful reality taking shape between them, and they both seemed to realize it simultaneously. The silence between them stretched on, and Lisa was pretty sure her own cheeks were reddening in a similar manner to Roseanne's. Finally springing into action, Lisa took a few long strides and stood in front of the other woman, her heart beating wildly in her chest.

"Hey," she said softly, leaning in to softly press her lips against Roseanne's.

"Hi." Roseanne cleared her throat, the corner of her mouth tilting upwards in a way Lisa absolutely adored.

"Want a coffee?" Lisa asked, subconsciously fiddling with the sleeve of Roseanne's meticulously tailored jacket.

"Cappuccino, like always."

"Naturally." Lisa winked and retreated to the coffee machine, only to be disrupted by a customer asking for advice regarding books on gardening.

It wasn't until a while later when she finally set the beverage in front of Roseanne who had, once again, taken over the reading nook. She had her laptop out, and various notes and papers were scattered on the table.

"Finishing the book?" Lisa asked innocently, winking mischievously when Roseanne glanced at her, unimpressed.

"Maybe," Roseanne reached for the coffee, and Lisa knew that was all she was going to get.

Shaking her head, amused, Lisa was already turning away when her eyes caught a familiar name in a folded newspaper on the table next to Roseanne. Snatching it up before Roseanne could stop her, Lisa spread it open, her eyes landing on an article written by the other woman.

"Is this new?" Lisa inquired, already skimming through the text.

"Uh, yes," Roseanne said, almost sheepishly, reaching for the paper and yanking it from Lisa's hands. Lisa was about to protest when the bell above the door announced the arrival of yet another customer, letting Roseanne off the hook.

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