Bros talk

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After weeks of absolute no affection, behind the cameras, between Sana and Dahyun, with a lot of thoughts, fears and feelings, the younger one is sure that she can't take it alone anymore. For Sana, her support was always her best friend beside her, helping, but a stubborn and reserved Dahyun didn't want to share her struggles with anyone more than herself.

But it'sz hard to overcome struggles alone and with no help, and now Dahyun realizes that there're eight girls beside her, caring for her. In the past, she somehow thought that they didn't care about her problems and struggles, but because she never shares them with the girls, and they don't really get when she's sad or something, and she's not gonna make the same mistake.

Chaeyoung was ready to paint something, her drafts and all her materials too, plus her mind full of creativity to do a good piece of art.

But suddenly, the shortest girl in TWICE felt a hat in her head, someone putting a jacket on her and a mask, the mask accidentally covering her eyes.

— Yo, what the hell, unnie? — Somehow, she already knows it's Dahyun.

— We have to go out, so grab your things and let's go

— But I was about to paint!

— I'm your unnie, so shut up and obey me

The younger girl whined but obeyed her unnie, Dahyun couldn't help but laugh at her. Every time Chaeyoung gets mad, she looks just cute (If it's just a tantrum).

Chaeyoung, secretly, was happy inside about the situation, she noticed Dahyun looking sad, spacing out or sometimes troubled, but as all the girls always do, she waited for her to say what is going on. They are best friends, and Chaeyoung will always tell Dahyun if she's not feeling too well, and her unnie does that too, but just in very special situations.

They dressed up and notified Jihyo about their little plan, is a rule for all the maknae line to notify the leader every time they go out. At first, this rule was because all the maknaes were underage and needed some protection and order, now Jihyo thinks it's not necessary anymore, but finds it cute so is not able to stop them.

Dahyun and Chaeyoung choose a coffee to stay and talk, but it's too weird to go directly to the point, so they were joking around and talking about random stuff, like this, Dahyun would find confidence to tell her troubles to her best friend. Her bro.

But Chaeyoung got impatient.

— Ok, what's going on

Dahyun stayed quiet and with her mouth lightly open, staring at those intense big eyes of Chaeyoung, who was waiting for an answer.

— Nothing — The younger laughed sarcastically.

— Oh, come on! I'm your bro! You can tell me!

Dahyun sighed and explained everything, from the first peck with Sana until the trip to Japan, the confession, and about her unnie avoiding her. Chaeyoung listened carefully, she knows Dahyun is making a big effort to talk about it, so the girl is trying to not show any intense reaction to not scare her friend, even if she's screaming, laughing and being concerned inside.

— So, you never thought about how you feel about her? Really? Never? — Chaeyoung asked.

— Well... I didn't even dare to think, but recently... It's like I just surprised myself thinking about her in some strange way...

— You're a big dumb coward — Dahyun pouted — You have to think about how you feel with her, she's probably suffering right now, and you're approaching her like if nothing happened

— Damn, you're right, I didn't think about it. Did I screw up everything?

— Just a bit, but you can make it up — Dahyun put all her attention to her friend — Right now... I just see two options, if you don't like her... you should let her forget you, stop trying to cuddle with her, trying to kiss her, you're just giving hopes to unnie with that — Dahyun felt bad about her behavior — But if you do like her, for real, not like the thing you had with her before, you should just tell her, if it's not late

— What do you mean by that?

— Maybe she could forget you quick

— Yikes! I have to hurry!

— Hell! Kim Dahyun unnie! No! — Some people turned to see them, they bowed in an apologetic way — That's the worse thing you could do! What if you think you like her, but then you realize you don't? You'll hurt her!

— But what if I realize that I like her too late?

— Well, you had to think about it before starting all this mess — Chaeyoung slapped her friend — But do what I told you: Do. Not. Rush.

— Ok, I got it, not rush — They stayed silent for seconds, Dahyun gulped — Can we go home now? — Chaeyoung shook her head while fake smiling — I promise I'm not planning to rush into Sana unnie

— No, we can't, until all this talk get lock in your mind

Dahyun pouted but obeyed her dongsaneg, she was somehow proud of how mature Chaeyoung now is, she's very different from the past, meanwhile she feels the same and even more immature than before sometimes.

The pale girl is also grateful towards her best friend, her bro, because the younger has that ability to make you feel easy, you could tell Chaeyoung the most weird and strange experience, but she would listen and act like if that's the most normal thing, just to make you feel comfortable talking about it. Chaeyoung didn't pay attention to the things Dahyun fears the most, like a girl being in love with another girl, and not just a random girl, even worse, because it was all between teammates.

Dahyun is already clear about how this all could affect the group, and Chaeyoung just assumed that and skipped the part about nagging her friend, it was not time to judge, it was time to help.

They got home and Chaeyoung took the responsibility herself, for that day, to maintain Dahyun away from Sana, even if the first thing that the pale girl tried to do was rush towards her unnie's room to give her a coffee, they bought a coffee for everyone, but Dahyun wanted to give it personally to her unnie.

Chaeyoung is the type of girl who doesn't stop people from doing what they want, and she can see what Dahyun wants to do, but for the first time she just wants to punch her best friend in the face to take her back to her senses.

She can see, Dahyun is not thinking straight.

She's thinking gay.

Hey! I'm the author of this story. As some of you already know, this is my second account. I'm planning to publish one of my stories here, but obviously in english.

Here are the options:

▪︎10 Seconds - Saida

"Sana's mother just needs ten seconds more of patience to forget Sana's mischief. Sana's friends just need ten seconds to tolerate her. Sana's girlfriend just needs ten seconds to forgive her."

▪︎J-Sisters - Misamo

"Short stories about Misamo's family"

Disclaimer: This story was written while Jihyo and Daniel were together, and before Momo's relationship came out.

▪︎Dreamy Afternoon - Mihyun

"A story that doesn't need an intro or outro, just an afternoon with Mina and Dahyun".

Disclaimer: This idea came to my mind when Mina was in her rest, so you may find references about it.

It will help me a lot if you guys comment on wich story you would like to read uwu.

Bye, bye!

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