What's going on

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The sixth anniversary of TWICE was right around the corner, just one week left and a bit more for the comeback. They're happy, that season of the year is always like magic for them, being nostalgic and remembering the past, the struggles, the troubles, the powerless feeling, the sadness, but at the same time the happiness, being grateful, the satisfaction of doing what they love with the people they love for people who love them.

Preparing a comeback is exhausting, but if the month is October, they feel more encouraged to do it with more passion. So, they don't care about doing the choreography five more times, because this time everything has to be perfect, because they're showing all the gratefulness for the people who was working with them since the very beginning.

The special activities also keep them excited, but nervous at the same time, because their team will do everything to make them cry, and they already made a bet: The first member who cries will pay a dinner for the nine of them.

But the real thing is that, since some days, a secret group chat with five members was being the place where they would discuss a very interesting matter. So many opinions and scenarios, the oldest unnie being sure about her point of view, but the maknae saying that the idea was stupid, Jeongyeon with the youngest too, but Mina finding Nayeon's idea not too crazy like Tzuyu said. And Jihyo, like always, in the middle.

The leader finally decided how to solve it, because gossiping about it will not help in any way, they have to confront these two girls (And maybe nag two girls even more for covering them) to find out what's going on.

But it will happen just in the way that the leader wants, in some part to take revenge, but it doesn't matter... that much. So, here they are, Jihyo grabbing both Sana and Dahyun by one of their ears, guiding them to sit in the couch with everyone waiting, Momo and Chaeyoung rubbing their own ear after being dragged there by Jeongyeon.

— Ya! Park Jihyo! My poor ear! — Sana whined.

— Ah- Ow! Unnie, please, stop! — But they didn't move, they knew they deserve it.

Jihyo left them go finally, after all, they were sitting since two minutes and that was not necessary anymore.

— Ok, ok — Jihyo sighed and took a seat — So, what's going on? — Both girls smiled weirdly.

— Eh? About what? — Sana played dumb.

— Can you explain, unnie? — Dahyun asked, and the leader pointed to Nayeon.

— Why the hell are you two hugging all the time? — She asked.

— Why do you get mad when someone kisses your cheek, but you enjoy it when it's Sana? — Jeongyeon asked too.

— Why do you two always sleep together? — Now it was Mina.

— For God's sake, you're holding hands right now! — Tzuyu.

They looked at those hands interlaced, Sana and Dahyun blushed, they didn't realize when they did it. The cute japanese sighed, it was time to say the truth to them, but the situation seems funny to her, and she wants to take revenge for her poor ear. Holding her laugh back, she took a serious look and pointed at her best friend, who was very expecting about what will she say.

— It was her plan


— Please, don't scream — Mina nagged her friends — Sana, it's not time for jokes

— Yeah, the truth is... — Dahyun spoke — It was Chaeyoung's idea too

All the girls in the room could hear a loud and (not) scary roar from the baby cub, eyes on fire, she was standing up now looking just a bit taller than how she actually is.

After some seconds of silence, and the help from Tzuyu to contain the cub's anger, because she tried to trow herself into the couple, Jihyo looked very confused at the giggling pair.

— I guess you two had fun clowning us, but it's time to stop, please, tell us what's going on between you two

Sana and Dahyun looked at each other, holding hands tighter than before, they nodded to indicate that they're ready to tell the big news to their teammates.

— We're dating — Dahyun said smiling.

— I said stop jok-

Jihyo couldn't finalize her sentence, because Sana grabbed her girlfriend's collar to kiss her in front of all the girls.

— Nah, it's not a joke this time

And, again.




It's difficult to put in words, but Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Jihyo can say with all of them honesty that they never did a high note that powerful before in their whole career. Momo and Chaeyoung felt their right ear hurting, but her left ear was normal because Mina and Tzuyu are still with their mouths open and without moving.

— If it's a joke again, be sure that I will kill you two — Jihyo warned.

— I can kiss her all day to prove it — Sana said.

— I would love that too — Dahyun smiled.

— No, please don't — Momo whined.

— Yeah, they always kissed when we were watching for them — Chaeyoung pouted.

— You know what? — Nayeon sat in front of them — I still don't believe it, tell us the whole story

— What do you mean that you don't believe it, unnie? — It was Tzuyu — You were the one saying that they have a thing

— Shh~, Tzuyu, I want them to tell us

After Sana and Dahyun told to their teammates their love story, the girls wanted to celebrate it doing a little party. They brought food and put some music, Jihyo congratulated them again and again, but nagged them too for keeping it in secret for too long, and for the teasing. The couple giggled at her, but took the serious moment to assure that they will be always professional with everything that could interfere in the group.

All the members trusted them, and they would do that even if they didn't say anything, it was just something implicit. Because, even if they noticed some weird behaviors before, they were always professional when it comes to work, and they can't ask them to not be themselves when they're not working, they have the right to have problems, just if they solve it later.

Now, with all the new information, the oldest unnie is ready to make fun of them, mimicking their cute interactions, copying those cheesy phrases, and obviously remarking the most memorable parts of the story.

— Ok, but did you ever imagine our conservative Dahyun accepting being “Friends with Benefits”?

— Peckfriends, unnie, we were peckfriends — The Tofu had to clarify.

— Isn't it cute? But I'm disappointed — Mina said pouting — Ain't I part of our trio? Sana unnie...

— I could say the same, I was in disagree with unnie's idea of you two dating because I was sure about the trust between the “School Meal Club” — Tzuyu acted angry — I was wrong

— We're really sorry, guys, it's not like I don't trust you, Mina, but my buddy here — Sana pointed to Dahyun — Was always saying since the very beginning “Don't tell the others, they will tease us” “They'll think we're dating” Bla, bla, bla...

— But you ended up dating — Jeongyeon said, Dahyun sighed.

— Yeah... but I was very unsure at first, so we decided to go little by little... later it was just to tease you all

They all chuckled again, the girls understanding the couple's position to maintain everything in secret at first, but relieved that they're now sure and comfortable to talk about it. In the end, that's what friends do, understand and always be there, being supportive with every decision, but at the same time advising when necessary.

Sana and Dahyun are happy and grateful that they have their group with them.

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