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The schedule is very busy this year, some changes in the agency pressured all the groups to work a bit more and harder than last year, just until everything stabilized. They can't complain, even if the company sometimes was bad with them, it is still the place who gave them the opportunity to make their dreams come true. They don't complain, but they're exhausted, but there is no time to even rest or talk, maybe in the car, but then they have to return to their professional face to do the work.

Plus, our squirrel is very anxious about someone's answer. Maybe being busy helps her mind, and they were acting pretty normal, so nobody could suspect anything.

Work can be so distracting that, at the end of the day, they are tired even to think, and for Dahyun it was not an option to stay awake until late if there's another schedule for tomorrow. But she's reflecting anyways, every minute when she sits somewhere and remembers all her life aside from work, her family, her friends, Sana. She's sure, she's attracted to the older, she wants to be in her embrace when she's tired, but she wants to be with her to play when she's happy too.

But not only the things that Sana can give to her, but Sana herself, is driving Dahyun crazy.

Dahyun wants to talk with her and is waiting for a free afternoon, she doesn't want to rush, because she knows Sana is waiting. The pale girl didn't give any signal too, she wants to be the one to tell Sana her feelings.

That afternoon finally came, and Dahyun invited Sana with a smile to go for a little walk, the older one accepted, but the leader told them to be back for dinner. Jihyo knows that pair, they take a long time every time they go out together, she still remembers that last time when they came back the other day. The group has a schedule for tomorrow, so Jihyo made sure to have them back at dinner.

A very unknown coffee was the place, Dahyun doesn't want to go to her house again, they would not resist. They sat at a very separate table from the others and waited for the coffees, Sana looks nervous, but, for Dahyun, it's just cute.

— So... direct to the point, you made your decision — It wasn't a question, Dahyun nodded — And that is...? — The pale girl smiled.

— Minatozaki Sana unnie, I can say, with the most honest heart, that you made me fall for you — The older one gasped — Not only your kisses, your hugs or the time we spent together, not only the times we enjoyed and the times you helped me go through hard times, but you... — Dahyun sighed — Not only with me, but with everyone you're so... it's difficult to put in words, but you're just an amazing person that it was impossible for me to not fall, who would not fall? All the boys are on the floor for you... and I'm there too — The pale girl giggled — I'm sad because I can't assure you to always be the best for you, you're not the first person that I ever liked, but you're the one with whom I went too far. I'm still afraid of many things, even if it doesn't seem like that, I'm afraid right now, so many thoughts on my mind... — Dahyun felt a hand holding hers — But I think I can do it, as long if you're with me, helping me as always — They both smiled — I don't want to be peckfriends anymore, I want to be more than that

— This is unfair — Sana chuckled — You know I'm a sentimental — Dahyun giggled too.

— I had to, you could reject me, I had to go direct to your weak sentimental heart

— I wouldn't reject you — Sana pouted and then sighed — Ah... I'm dumb, I could have recorded it! Can you say it all again? — Dahyun laughed loud.

— You'll have to wait a very long time until something like this happen again — Sana whined.

— Aw... It's very weird to see you express your feelings like that

— I can express my feelings in another way

— Don't make me excited for nothing, we have to go home

— You, dirty minded, I was talking about holding hands, hugging, etc

They both chuckled and enjoyed their date, it was just like when you hang out with someone very close to you, it wasn't uncomfortable at any point, they talked about everything that could come to their minds and add more and more topics, after all, they have known each other for a very long time.

Not very romantic, they're not that style, more like playing, teasing each other, just holding hands at certain moments to show some type of affection if it's necessary, and they're still in public. But they're sure about one thing, they're not peckfriends anymore, but they'll come back to the cuddle time at night and to those cute pecks... and kisses.

But now Sana is pouting, because Dahyun is very stubborn when it's something she really means, they both are stubborn, so they're sure they'll crash sometimes. Dahyun, in the group, is the type of member who will just follow the majority decision to not cause troubles, and Sana expected that from her, but the younger one can get very determined, just like right now.

— We were basically dating after your confession

— No, I didn't ask you to be my girlfriend

— Well, would you like to be my girlfriend?

— That's not memorable, Sana! — The older glared at her dongsaeng — Sana unnie, I mean Sana unnie — The latter sighed — Come on... let's do something better, ok? — Dahyun looked with soft eyes at her unnie.

— Just because I'm in a good mood today, but I'll act like your girlfriend, and you can't do anything about that

— Deal!

They came back to the dorm, they were holding hands but stopped before entering there, it's still too early. The members were watching TV, waiting for them, because they were in charge of buying the dinner (Jihyo's way to obligate them to come back). All those mouths were already drooling over the smell of the food, so they rushed to the kitchen right away.

A funny, loud and well laughed dinner, all the members were really hyper that day despite the busy schedule for tomorrow, but the cute couple were calmer and, like two teens, were holding hands under the table.

Just like cellphones, they all ran out of battery and a huge silence is in the dorm, they're watching TV, but Tzuyu has already fallen asleep in Nayeon's shoulder and the bunny is taking cute pics. Chaeyoung is sleeping too, with her mouth open like she always does, Jihyo looks at her with a mother smile. Jeongyeon and Momo are the ones who are still paying attention to that drama, Mina is resting her head on Jeongyeon's shoulder, eyes barely open. Saida couple are cuddling next to each other, but nobody will find it weird, since all of them are cuddling with each other now.

— Yes! They kissed! — Jeongyeon exclaimed and they all jumped.

— Ok, it's enough, let's go all to the bed — Jeongyeon and Momo whined at Jihyo.

— We're not children anymore! — The ostrich said, but the peach was already leaving — Come on, Momo, help me!

— I just wanted to see the kiss — The taller sighed.

— Good night, everyone! — Jeongyeon finally said, walking to her room.

Thanks to that argument, the pair sneaked into the same room (They all were already in pajamas). It was a nice feeling, after a long day, to go to bed with the person you love, falling asleep while hugging each other. Dahyun wants to stay awake a bit more to enjoy it, but her eyes are so tired, Sana is so warm and she feels safe there.

Sana giggles after checking how her beloved is even snoring, she can't describe how happy she is right now, so she's gonna hug her like if everything is just a dream.

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