Part 27~Lovro

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“Ms Vitch sure has a pervy mind.”

“She’s always making sex jokes. And I don’t think that the sitcom she showed us is appropriate for Junior High students!”

“But he is a good teacher. And I heard watching TV shows is a good way to learn a foreign language. Despite, you’ve never had to spend time with those two,” Nagisa pointed his thumb over his shoulder at Karma and Okabe.


“She specializes in infiltration so she had great conversational skills," Nagisa continued, ignoring the others. "And it's fun to hear about her experiences."

"Kind of reminds me of you Nagi," Okabe stated with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" The class didn't seem to understand the correlation between the straightforward- but slightly scary- classmate and the pervy teacher.

"Oh? You never told them how we got out of that room, did ya?"

"Shut up!" Nagisa spun around, throwing Okabe across the classroom, a huge blush covering his cheeks.

"You don't have to be so ashamed, Nagi. It's a good skill," Karma teased, leaning on the smaller classmate.

Nagisa sighed, swiping out his foot and sending Karma to the ground. In a slight pout, Nagisa crossed his arms and stuck his head up.

Nakamura raised her eyebrow at the interaction. "Am I the only one who wanted to know what happened in that room?"

"If you tell them, I will put those pictures online," Nagisa warned as Okabe's face paled.

"You wouldn't dare."

"I would."

Karma raised his eyebrow, confused by what they were talking about. "What pictures? You didn't tell me about pictures."

"It's nothing!" Okabe's face lit up, becoming a deep red as he hid behind his hands. "Please, never brings this up again."

"You know, if we didn't know better we would say Nagisa was the assassin, not you," Sugino joked as Nagisa and Okabe froze and Karma burst out laughing.

"You don't say."

"Miss Vitch does keep the students engaged through her personal hands-on style. I'm so glad she came to assassinate me," Koro-sensei whispered blissfully.

Miss Vitch screamed as she collapsed on her chair. "Damn it! No more teaching!"

"You're a popular teacher, you know," Karasuma pointed out without looking up from his work.

"So what?! I'm an assassin! I'm here to kill that octopus! And the octopus in question is prissily drinking tea while staring at my boobs like they're the alps!" Miss Vitch pointed to Koro-sensei who was sitting on her desk.

"Calm down. You know how he is. You just need to be patient, wait for the right moment."

"Sonuvva- screw it!" Miss Vitch jumped up, stomping away in a strop.

"Hm, she seems to be in a bad mood," Koro-sensei pointed out as if he didn't understand how annoying he was to her.

"Thanks to guess who," Karasuma growled in irritation.

Miss Vitch glared out the window, thinking over what she could do. She didn't want to waste any more of her time but she didn't have any other ideas on how to kill the octopus. Before she could think for any longer a rope wrapped around her throat, pulling her up from the ground. She couldn't breathe or think and she couldn't work out who would do this or why.

"What a surprise, you as a teacher, Irina?! A pleasant class with your students, friendly chit chat after. It was like watching a comedy skit." The man walked out from the showers, the foreign language seeming strange with the location. Old and rough face; dark killing eyes; the assassins aura.


"What are you doing? Put her down," Karasuma ordered, angry and protectiveness clear in his stance. "That's no trap for women!" The man let the rope fall, dropping Miss Vitch to the floor. "Who are you? Speak a language I can understand!"

"No problem. I am a polyglot, after all. Relax, I'm the one who recommended Irina to your country's government. Does that serve as a proper introduction?"

It was now clear as ice, this was the assassin Broker Lovro. He was a skilled assassin back in his day before he retired. Now he trains new ones while amassing a fortune brokering contracts for them. He is very important to the government now that they're in dire need of assassins.

"By the way, where is that Koro-sensei fellow?"

"He popped over to Shanghai to snack on some almond jelly," Karasuma explained simply. "He left around half an hour ago, so he should be back soon."

"Ha. exactly the monster they described. I'm glad I came. I have my answer now. Irina, as of this moment, you are no longer on this contract. This is not the job for you."

"What? Why? You recommend her!" Karasuma was not going to deal with this as he crossed over his arms.

"Too many variables have changed. This job doesn't suit her talents anymore. When employing her charm and wit to get close to a target, she is unmatched. But once the target is on to her, she's a mediocre assassin at best. You should have left after your first attempt failed, instead of sticking around to playschool teacher. I taught you better than that."

"No, I can do this job. I promise you, sir," Miss Vitch interrupted, holding her hand over her heart. "I have what it takes!"

"Hm... Then..." In a second, Lovro spun around and grabbed Miss Vitch by the neck. "Let's see you move like this. I have other jobs better suited to your skillset. You shouldn't waste your time and resources here, learn to accept defeat. Let someone better do this job. The other transfer student is more capable and can't wait to join this class. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. You were pointing out students' failed pronunciation a moment ago. Isn't your failure in the classroom your personal 'L' and 'R'?"

"Ding ding ding! That's half right and half wrong." Koro-sensei pulled the two assassins apart, half his face showing the circle symbol and half showing the cross. "As an assassin, her skills are... crap."

"Crap! Are you kidding me?!" Miss Vitch growled, her eyes becoming demonic.

"But, she is the perfect assassin for this classroom. So how about a little test? Let's see which one you is the better assassin.

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