Part 28~Target

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One… Two… Three… Four… Five… Six… Seven…

“Karasuma, over there,” Kurahashi knelt down on the pole she was standing on, pointing towards the scene occurring a little to their right.

“Ignore them. Keep practising,” Karasuma ordered though no one could really listen.

It was hard to pay attention when two assassins were obviously eyeing down their target.

“The rules are simple,” Koro-sensei announced with a chirpy smile. “A contest between Ms Vitch and Mr Lovro. The one who kills Mr Karasuma first wins! If Ms Vitch wins, you will permit her to remain in this classroom for the duration of her contract.”

“Wait a minute! Why do I have to be the victim?!” Karasuma was not pleased with the decision being made without his consent.

“Because you will be a fair and challenging target Mr Karasuma. If I were the target, I might help Ms Vitch. Conflict of interest. Besides. No one can kill me anyway. You’ll use the anti-me knife which is harmless to humans. You have from tomorrow morning until the end of the day. One of you just needs to strike him with the knife. And no sabotaging each other’s assassination attempts! Plus, you’ll incur a penalty if you interfere with the student’s classes.”

“I see, in other words, it’s a mock assassination. Very well, sounds like a fun way to kill time,” Lovro stated, playing with the knife he had been given.

“I still won’t agree with this,” Karasuma grumbled when he spotted something shuffling along the wall. “Okabe can be the target instead.”


Okabe froze in his spot, spinning slightly to turn and look at the assassins. “H-hello, sir.”

“So this is where you went,” Lovro glared down on the young assassin, who tried to avoid his gaze.


“At least you are properly qualified. Very well, if Karasuma doesn’t want to fight, I don’t mind fighting Bleach here. You’ll never be able to strike him with that knife, Irina.”

“What?! How is that pipsqueak is better qualified than me?! He hasn’t even tried to attack the octopus,” Ms Vitch shouted while pointing at Okabe who was attempting to avoid the incoming battle.

“I taught you everything you know about assassination. I know what you can and can’t do. I know everything about you. And I know everything about him. I will rub your nose in the truth with this mock assassination! You will resign from this assignment. And, since Koro-sensei can’t be killed by anyone here now after you’re gone, I’ll send in another assassin who can and will.”

“...Did he just insult me? All I came for was my pencil,” Okabe said in defeat, slumping his shoulders.

“Are you actually trying to help me? I bet you think I’ll be easier to deal with than the next assassin my master sends. But I won’t give you the satisfaction! I’ll kill you and Karasuma! That’s a promise!” Ms Vitch stormed off as Okabe slid down the wall to the floor.

“Why didn’t I listen to Vi? Now I’m a higher target than the target!”

“So that’s the reason behind all this,” Okabe summed up from Karasuma’s side.

“This is a pain in the neck, but it won’t affect your classes. Just act like it’s every other day,” Karasuma ordered coldly.

“That’s easy for you to say, you got out of this.” Okabe might still be a little salty about it.

“I forgot you were an assassin,” Okano stated, eyeing Okabe up and down.

“Yeah, you don’t act like it,” Nakamura commented with a smirk.

“What?! I am a serious and experienced assassin!” Okabe stomped his foot on the ground, not unlike a child would.

“Sure,” the two girls echoed at the same time, making Okabe pout- like the completely serious and experienced assassin he was.

“Mr Masahiko… Nice work! You must be thirsty. Here, have a cold refreshing drink!” Ms Vitch ran up to Okabe who froze. She must be joking. “Come on, chug it. Chug! It’s good, really!”

“Seriously, I bet it is a muscle relaxant. You’ll hit me with the knife once I can’t move. There is no way I’m going to get closer enough to you to take that cup from you. And for the record, even if I didn’t know you, I wouldn’t fall for that. I’m gay.” Okabe turned away, walking back to the building. “She really is pathetic.”

Karma glared at Ms Vitch, waving his fingers between his eyes and her before running to catch up Okabe.

“It’s a good thing I’m getting something out of this otherwise I probably would have stabbed her,” Okabe announced to his boyfriend who was holding his waist protectively.

“Why are you doing this? They can’t make you.”

“Oh, that’s my little secret,” Okabe whispered into Karma’s ear, winking with a smirk. “And will you loosen your grip, I’m going to get a bruise.”

“I can give you more bruises if you want.” Karma gently nipped at Okabe’s ear making the other turn as red as Karma’s hair.

“Will you two knock it off? We have class,” Nagisa grumbled only to find Karma’s eyes on him.

“Like you and Zen are any better.”

Nagisa didn’t reply.


“Alright, everyone! Don’t forget the homework and I’ll be here for any help you need! Or any assassination attempts you want to try,” Koro-sensei announced as the students started to pack away.


In a flash, Lovro was across the classroom and jumping to attack Okabe. He skillfully dodged the other students and went for Okabe’s weak side.


Okabe held the man’s arm to the dek, jumping up and pinning his chest down. He easily grabbed the knife off the desk and pressed it against Lovro’s neck.

“You may be skilful, but you’re old and out of practice. Did you seriously think you could take out someone who’s been a member of an elite unit just like that?!” Okabe smirked as he picked up the knife and pointed it at Ms Vitch and Koro-sensei. “Don’t forget. If I’m not dead by the end of the day…”

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