Part 9~What Happened Last Night

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Nagisa sat up in the surprisingly normal room. There were two large beds with comfy blankets laid on top and a small mountain of pillows. Two bedside tables were placed on the outside of those beds with a simple lamp on each. A large Tv hanged off the wall showing cartoons and a massive window showed us the most amazing view in the world.

It must have been late as the sky was dark and lights beamed out the windows of the many buildings that reached up into the blacky inkness above us. The moon was high in the sky and the stars were twinkling down on us. 

“Damn, this is a better room than the one I actually live in,” Okabe awed with a slight salty tone, stretching out his arms behind him. His messy silvery was more of a mess than usual and sticking out at odd angles. The deep bags under his eyes had only receded a small amount from the time they spent unconscious. His teal button up hoodie hung loosely around him with a tiger head printing over his heart. He wore white jeans and a white shirt under his jumper. His light brown back bag has been thrown into the corner along with Nagisa’s.

"Well, ain't this a pleasant cell," Nagisa muttered while walking around the room, gently brushing his fingers over the white walls. He stopped when he got to his closest, pulling it open to see a single outfit inside. "Okay, that's a little creepy but I'm not complaining."

Okabe tried to look over Nagisa's shoulder as the smaller teen brought out the clothes. Nagisa laid them down on his bed before taking off his waistcoat. He pulled off his clothes- not bothered by Okabe being in the room- and put on the familiar fabric that had been left for him.

He put on his assassin uniform. 

There was his lose white t-shirt and the black hoodie with the signature snake icon that he put on his torso. There was a green flannel shirt, that he tied around his waist, and black ripped jeans. He put his chocker on around his neck and pulled on a pair of black and green converse. He took out his hair and let strands fall over his face, giving him the usual creppy look. Okabe had given up watching him a little after he worked out what the clothes were and had collapsed on the bed, flicking through the channels on the TV. 

Nagisa sat himself down on his bed, leaning back and playing with a knife he had found with the outfit. 

Okabe placed the controller down and looked over, a smile coming to his face. "You should have put the skirt on. Might have got us out of here," he teased, pointing at the only other outfit in the room. 

"Maybe you should, give Karma a treat."

"No, colour doesn't suit me."

"Right. Any thing on?"

"No really."

"What do we do then?"

"No idea."






Koro-sensei lifted his head when he didn't get a reply. The rest of the class were sitting neatly in place, but one seat was empty.

"Nagisa? Has anyone seen Nagisa?"

A series of 'no's made Koro-sensei worry. Nagisa never arrived so much as a minute late let alone not showing up at all. 

The sound of footsteps echoing through the corridors eased some of that worry as a boy came tumbling down and into the room. But it wasn't Nagisa. Zen took heavy breath, curled over himself and held up one hand to silence questions until he was breathing. 

"Can... Can I help you?"

"Nagisa... Okabe... gone... Black Shot... note," Zen tried to explain between breaths, holding up a white piece of paper. 

Koro-sensei took it, flipping it over to look at the writing. "Dear my old friends, I do hope you get this. It would be awful for your friends to die without you even knowing what is going on. You took a step too far last time, now your little prodiche and his psycho friend. Hurry Steel, hurry up Digit and Zen, hurry up Koro-sensei. You have two days. Good luck."

Audible gasps echoed around the room. No one knew who Koro-sensei was yet this person had and they had taken Nagisa.

Zen took a final deep breath in before standing up. "Black shot has taken Nagisa and Okabe. He left this with the letter." Zen held out a snake fang that had blood covering it from the tip to the end. 

Koro-sensei gulped down the lump in his throat before picking up the fang. "Who.... who's blood is it?"

"We don't know yet. Digit is analysing the blood right now," Zan explained when his radio started to flare to life. "Speak of the devil."

"...Z... Zen.... Zen, do you copy?"

"Yeah, I copy. What did you get for me, Digit?"

"The blood isn't V's or B's, so that is something to be thankful for. It looks like it belongs to a Mr. Ueto Sukenobu, he lives on 9 Ryosei street."

"Cheers, Didget. Get in contact if you find anything else out. And has Bone come back yet, we still need her."

"Not yet but I'm sure Boss will shout at her the second she walks through the door. Over and out."

Zen pushed down the aerial and put the radio back in his pocket, looking up at the octopus. "Well, that sounds like we need to go to Ryosei street." Zen turned around to leave but jumped back when he felt a squishy tentacle placed on his shoulder.

"I think we should stop and take a deep breath. No point going in and demanding answers if you don't know the questions. Tell us what happened," Koro-sensei said calmly, pulling out a chair for Zen to sit on.

"Fine. Okabe had come over due to a... job he had been over. He was meant to arrive a few days ago but never showed up. We assumed he had gone to visit Nagisa or Karma since he knows both of them but when Nagi told me he hadn't seen him we started worrying again. When I went to work this morning, it was taped to the door."

"Excuse me." Kayano put up her arm, waving it about a little. "You said Black Shot, what does that mean?"

"That's who we think is behind this. Black Shot used to work with the Boss until something went wrong. He is the only one who knows both Nagisa and Okabe who also hates him," Zen said quickly. "Now can we head off or is there anything else you want to know?"

"What is your work?"

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