Ch. 28-Disaster of Ice

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Kim Dokja glares at Yoo Jonghyuk as he begins eating. Though the glare didn't last long because he got fully immersed in the rich taste in his mouth. Kim Dokja feels like he is heaven and his moods becomes much better only after a few bits. He almost forgot that Yoo Jonghyuk was still in front of him.

Kim Dokja thinks Yoo Jonghyuk fits his tastes. Both the eye candy and this meal. 

Yoo Jonghyuk was one-sidedly staring at Kim Dokja this whole time to make out his emotions. Yoo Jonghyuk saw how much Kim Dokja appreciated the meal he made and became very happy on the inside. 

"Yoo Jonghyuk." 


"It's good." 

It was an ordinary compliment. But because it was from Kim Dokja's mouth, Yoo Jonghyuk felt that it affected him much deeper.


Yoo Jonghyuk had to once again separate from Kim Dokja. It wasn't something he would be able to change even if he knew the future. Kim Dokja got to rest off before they held a short good bye. Both Yoo Jonghyuk and Kim Dokja already knew what the other was going to do so the verbal conversation was very short. 

Although the gaze they were giving each other pointed towards another direction. 

Yoo Jonghyuk took his disciple and went west. The point of going west was to find that soldier and deal with the Disaster of Ice. 

The Disaster of Ice. 

It really wasn't very well known. Maybe because of how it hasn't yet succeeded once in winning? Yoo Jonghyuk might be missing memories from the majority of regressions, he isn't at all scared of it. 

If Disaster of Ice had won then the whole of Seoul would have become that of something similar of a popsicle, it isn't even as bad if Disaster of Questions would have won. 

Disaster of Ice wasn't even someone he personally needed to kill, the only reason he came personally was because of Lee Hyunsung. There was also his sister. Maybe he shouldn't forget his sister just yet. 

At one time he did have a much closer relationship with his sister, at the time he definitely would of worried about her wellbeing and put her safety first. It is just that after such long time and regressions his 3 views had changed. 

Looking for benefit instead of considering personal relationships. 

Related by blood? What a joke. 

Oh, we spent 20 years together? Wouldn't even count to 1% of the time he had lived.

Yoo Jonghyuk became more coldblooded as time passed.

At one time he probably would of just abandoned reality and just live alone in search of his own death. 

That was until the third regression came around. 

His only companion is Kim Dokja now. All other is in the past, Kim Dokja is the only one he needs. 


It isn't only Kim Dokja. 

Kim Dokja's company is his company too. 


Sweeping up Yoo Mia wasn't any different from last round. The same place was occupied once more. The same reaction as it should be. The same words of comforts. Too much repeating. 

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