Ch. 19- The prince and the Queen

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The Imyuntar's prince, Lycaon, was summoned to the battle field because of his mission as a guide. The guides usual task was simple to assist verbally and give  information about the incoming disasters but now things had changed. 

Lycaon looked ahead at Queen Antinus. He wore a serious expression at the conversation that had just happened. He would of thought that this was the way Queen Antinus felt. Well, there wasn't anyone to console her and guide her the right way. She was the guide and had no one to guide herself. Lycaon felt regretful over this. If they had met earlier could things have changed? 

Lycaon thoughts went on. Even though that on Chronos they hadn't been close enough to be called friends, it was barely past formal relationship that happened between royal families but Lycaon had a big heart. He hoped that if that there was even the slightest of chances that she would understand and stop with the awakening of the disaster, that he could grab on to that part of her soul and convince her. To bring her over to his side and for it not to lead to her destruction. 

But that hope soon got ruined. The way Queen Antinus spoke made her thoughts obvious and Lycaon wasn't dense enough not to understand. Queen Antinus had chosen her side and they had now become enemies. 

Fighting to the death with one of the only survivors of his former home planet. This wasn't something he dreamt about. If only she had thought about her mission more and just if they could have found peace together on earth... 

Lycaon shook his head. He needed to stop with his thoughts. Lycaon had to firm his resolve and the battle between the two begun. As they both were naturally airborne, that was where their battle begun. Lycaon used way of the wind, the one thought by their species. It was a symbol for him, a symbol of who is was, something to tie his identity to and something to make sense of this knew world he had been brought into. 

With his newly enlightened way of the wind he now stood a chance against Queen Antinus, before when they had spared he had so utterly lost but now things were different. Lycaon expressed his thoughts loud and clear to Queen Antinus. 

"I'm not the same Lycaon you once knew." 

His words were to personal, he thought. It was like how Queen Antinus wasn't the same Antinus he remembered. Even though she said that she died back then with the rest of her species, Lycaon could still see the look in her eyes that she once had. The small glint in her eyes still hadn't left. Lycaon didn't miss that glint but he couldn't do anything with it. 

The wind around Lycaon moved like his mind. It moved silently and was almost invisible. Queen Antinus realized why she was slowed down to this extent and became vary of how much Lycaon had evolved. 

"Queen of Insects, kneel in front of the wind."

The wind didn't just block attacks, it also cut through the body. Small cuts started appearing on Queen Antinus and she pushed her wings to the limit as she activated ye another skill. One blow was what it would take to end this life and death match. Her small eyes searching for an opening through the blade-like wind but it was to no avail. 

 And then when she distracted by Lycaon her wings tore and her speed slowed down significantly. Allowing Lycaon to make the final blow. Lycaon's speed accelerated as a storm-like kick landed on her upper-shell. It was enough to push her out of the sky and she fell down down.

She attempted to land but one of her wings were practically gone and probability storm started to increase around her. Queen Antinus knew this was the end for but she didn't want it to end like this. She said her final words, 

"Kiiiit! I won't let it end like this! My world, my race, my family! The cost you have to pay for the destruction of my world, I will absolutely make you pay it!" 

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