Ch. 21-Options...

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Kim Dokja had a good night's sleep or something like that. The two companions both had been suffering from nightmares for what felt like an eternity. Kim Dokja had his childhood trauma that shouldn't be brought up carelessly and Yoo Jonghyuk... Well, after going through the apocalypse how many times it isn't hard to imagine that he would have nightmares from it. 

Though that the nightmares weren't consistent anymore. Kim Dokja or Yoo Jonghyuk hadn't had any nightmares this night or the night before. One could call this a coincidence or maybe it's... Of course, the two of them had no idea that this is happening to both of them.

Kim Dokja stretched out his arms as he does almost every morning only to be met by something warm at the palm of his hand. Kim Dokja's eyes burst open as he had not expected something to be there and what he was met with was one glaring eye of Yoo Jonghyuk. Because the other eye was covered by his hand. 

Kim Dokja really hadn't expected this. He might have passed out in the arms of Yoo Jonghyuk but to think he would find himself in the same bed as him. Although the bed was rather large and all his clothes were one so it wasn't like there was anything weird about it...

No. This was Yoo Jonghyuk, Yoo Jonghyuk that was a cold-faced, cold-hearted bastard with the mind of a sunfish. Why would he ever share a bed with someone? 

Kim Dokja was stuck in his own world of theories while Yoo Jonghyuk still had Kim Dokja's hand on his right eye. Yoo Jonghyuk hesitated before getting up and putting Kim Dokja's hand back to where it belonged, obviously it didn't belong in his face.

Yoo Jonghyuk hadn't been up all night cause he was a living being who also needed sleep. After looking around the apartment he couldn't find another bed or a couch for that matter so after some thinking he choose to rest beside Kim Dokja in the bed. It was just an easier option instead of destroying a wall and bringing over another bed from another apartment, he also didn't want to leave this log of a sleeper alone cause Kim Dokja might die before even waking up. The case was that this was all for convenience.

Yoo Jonghyuk told himself so and he wasn't about to change his thought process one bit. 

Of course, Kim Dokja must have arrived at the same conclusion as he also got up.

As a master chief who transcended gods, it was Yoo Jonghyuk who had the responsibility to cook. The matter couldn't be handled Kim Dokja and Kim Dokja had been strictly forbidden from the kitchen. This actually worked out favorably for Kim Dokja because he got to spend his time reading the light novel again. 

Yoo Jonghyuk was standing in the kitchen while looking through the pantry. He wasn't about to open the fridge or the refrigerator and risk the smell getting out. The pantry wasn't particularly full. It seemed that whoever lived here before lived alone and enjoyed a king-sized bed. Since the pantry was basically empty Yoo Jonghyuk made through the use of the dokkaebi bag instead. It might cost a few more coins but a healthy meal to recover was one of the most important things during the apocalypse and without energy how was one supposed to fight to the fullest. 

Yoo Jonghyuk whipped up a healthy meal for both him and Kim Dokja. Yoo Jonghyuk remembers that he had almost never cooked for Kim Dokja. Even though they had spent so much time together it seemed he missed out on the most basic of things. 

As a chief, Yoo Jonghyuk had cooked many meals for his teammates and his sister. Even more so in the 3rd turn, Kim Dokja was still left out. Yoo Jonghyuk thought about it more while his hands showed high dexterity in the way from chopping the vegetables. The knife used moved way too fast for any onlookers' eyes to follow, it was like lightning-speed except saving for the fact that there wasn't any lighting effect, 

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