Chapter Three

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Walking down the halls in her red strappy, Hermione started to regret her choice in footwear. Just wearing them for ten minutes she could already feel a blister coming. She had no clue how long the night would last. She just hoped it would only be an hour or two long. In fact she was starting to realise that none of this was the best idea, especially if the Slytherins decided to join this little party. She couldn't bare the thought of a certain blonde mocking her for the way she looked, especially as she'd tried so hard to look her best tonight. But it was what Harry wanted, so she was going to try her best, to deal with it. Just for tonight.

"Wait why did we leave without Ron?" Hermione looked to Harry, who was walking beside her. He had opted to go with some black jeans and a blue T-shirt, which made her even more aware of how dressed up she was.

"He's gonna come with lavender, I didn't think it was the best idea to have you two girls walking together." He gave her a wary look. She turned her gaze to glare at him.

"Why would I have a problem walking with lavender?" She scoffed diverting her eyeline away from Harry's look straight ahead at the entrance to the dungeons.

She knew exactly why Harry was concerned. She didn't have the best reputation with her behaviour towards Lavender. It was just one week ago that Hermione had caught the two of them canoodling up in the Astronomy Tower. Ron often went up there to do his homework...which suddenly made a lot of sense to her in that moment.
Even though they had only kissed once by a Basilisk corpse, Hermione thought that it meant the same to Ron as is did to her, that they would start a life together. She was apparently mistaken, as weeks later after almost going all the way with him, Ron called it off. She couldn't help but doubt herself after that and what she could have possibly done to ruin what Ron and her had. She now knew he just wanted someone like Lavender. Lovely bloody Lavender. Ron's eyes met hers which were filled with tears and as if nothing were any different turned back to Lavender and carried on with their rendezvous. It made her feel sick to her stomach.

That was the moment she knew she had to get over her silly crush on Ronald Weasley. It's not as though she was in love with him, she just knew how to be herself around him, and she'd never felt that comfort with anyone else before.

Calming herself down she glanced at Harry quickly, "I'll be fine. Don't be silly Harry I'm over it. You should get over it to." She stepped ahead of him to open the barred doors. Wanting to stop this conversation immediately.
She stopped herself just as she'd opened the doors. She could hear the music from was this party happening without any of the teachers knowing?
"Are you sure we aren't going to get caught?" She turned back to Harry, who had obviously started to hear the music as well.

"I mean if we do, what's the worst that could happen?"

"Oh I don't know Harry, possibly expulsion?!"

Harry tolled his eyes as Hermione's widened, not realising how loud she was being until that moment.
"Have you thought this through?" She lowered her voice to a whisper, "honestly Harry..." she paused considering her next sentence "I know I might not be very fun sometimes, but there's always a reason, and I don't want to ruin this. But have you thought about the fact that this could ruin our future here?" She asked with a saddened look on her face.

"Hermione, you know what I've been thinking about?" Hermione could tell he was starting to mock her, she shook her head slightly narrowing her eyes in the process. "That even if we get caught, it can't be much worse than what we've gone through in the past year." Hermione straightened her back now looking at him with open eyes. "Plus I can just say that I forced you to come with me and it was all my idea." Which it technically was.
"So get that worried look off your face" laughing at her Harry stepped in front of her. "We will be fine, trust me."

She rolled her eyes letting out a huff. Reticently nodding she proceeded to follow him through the entrance and down the dark wide stairs that would lead them to something, she knew, she'd never experienced before. Hermione's heart started beating uncontrollably. Her breath was heavy causing her chest to rise and fall in her dress. As she stepped through the threshold of dim green lighting, she realised it wasn't any was a Slytherin party. If she wasn't already stressed enough the blonde that so loathed her, walked into view.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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