Chapter Two

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Half an hour earlier.

Hermione decided to dress herself in a red dress that she'd bought for birthday. She never expected to wear it in front of so many people that she knew, and now she'd chosen to wear it, she was realising why it might not be the best idea. It felt risky to wear something like this, especially with what had almost happened to her whilst running from the snatchers with Ron and Harry, of course she'd never told them. But she wanted to prove to herself that she wouldn't let something like that effect the way she looked at her body as well as the clothes she chose to wear.

The satin dress clung to her in a way that was unfamiliar, ecxentuating  the curves she knew were there, but others did not. It  hung low on her chest showing the curves of her breasts and stopped above the knee. She could hardly recognise the girl standing in the mirror.

She'd never experienced these parties before, so she had no clue if she was over dressed or whether her choice in style wasn't enough for the night. For all she knew, they could be attending a ball tonight.

"Are you sure about this Harry?" she needed to double check that he'd actually thought this through.

"Not really no." Harry huffed, "But we've never been before and we might not have another chance." Hermione could see the thoughts on his features, "Plus, I would like some of my life as a teenager to actually feel like I'm, well ya know...a teenager, not just the bloody boy who lived."
Hermione paused, taking in what Harry had said. She knew the burden that Harry had carried on his shoulders, but she'd never thought about the fact that something as simple as a party would be something that could make him feel...normal.
"Right of course, you're right. I just; I don't know I'm a bit worried." Hermione's eyebrows drew together.

"What could you have to worry about? You look amazing." Harry twisted round to look at Hermione, "Too amazing actually, oh my god Hermione I don't want to look at you, it feels wrong!" Harry halted, "You look incredible!"
He looked at her dumbfound, causing a blush to rise up Hermione's face. She let out a breathy laugh, unsure of what to say. She settled on "Thank you."

She never thought herself pretty, but hearing compliments always gave her a boost of confidence. Her hair was loose, but tame, curls flowing over her shoulders. She looked at herself in the mirror once more. Her eyes slightly darkened by eyeliner in her water line and mascara, causing the colour in then to sparkle. Of course she had a slight red tint on her lips, to match the dress. For a moment she considered the thought that she may look sexy. She quickly pushed that thought away, sensing it was untrue.

With Harry and herself both ready, they silently opened the Gryffindor common room door, and started their decent down the darkened halls, to get to the dungeons.

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