Chapter 13: The Attack

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter... the plot is my own but the HP world belongs to Mrs Rowling.

Chapter Thirteen: The Attack

As Salazar exited the secret passage way leading to the edge of Hogsmeade he cast a disillusionment charm on himself. Reassessing the situation, he saw at least fifteen Death Eaters surrounding his parents, Sirius, Remus, and the Weasleys. Just as he had seen in the bowl, they were all unarmed and held at wand-point by the Death Eaters who were laughing at their pain. Salazar took a moment to look for injuries in case anyone needed urgent medical attention.

Sirius and Mr Weasley seemed worst off.

Sirius had a big cut on his right arm, which was profusely bleeding and his leg was bleeding as well. He had several small injuries on his face and other parts of his body.

Mr Weasley had a big gash on his chest and several small injuries on his arms. However he seemed to be losing a lot of blood and would need a blood replenishing potion soon. But it seemed that he would be ok for a few more minutes.

His father was on the ground, evidently under the effects of a full body-bind, his legs bleeding. Salazar could see the man's eyes were wide open in panic as he watched his attackers.

Remus had several small bruises on his hands, legs and face but nothing serious. A Death Eater held a silver knife near his throat, preventing the werewolf from moving.

Mrs Weasley was not harmed much as far as he could see but she was scared and looked as though she would need a calming draught soon. She also seemed thinner than his world, but that could be due to the loss of her two youngest children.

Lily was also relatively unharmed with a few bruises on her face but Bellatrix was currently focusing on her. It seemed that Bellatrix was content to just torment her with words.

Salazar moved to position himself. However before he could cast any spell, Bellatrix raised her wand, the incantation of the Killing curse on her lips. However, Sirius who was near Lily, was quicker, kicking Bellatrix's hand out of the way before the Death Eater could fire the deadly curse.

The Death Eaters stopped laughing at this point.

There was a tense silence broken by Antonin Dolohov, who pointed his wand at Sirius and shouted "adolebit penitus sicco!"

To Salazar it seemed as if he was losing his Godfather again in this world and his fury reached his peak.

The Death Eaters were caught completely unawares by the sudden explosion of borderline dark spells sent their way by an angry Salazar Slytherin.

Lucius, the two Lestranges, and Dolohov were taken out first. With a powerful banishing charm, Salazar sent them flying several feet into a copse of trees as he simultaneously summoned the stolen wands from Bellatrix and sent a stasis charm at Sirius to halt the effects of the curse.

Meanwhile, the other Death Eaters had regained their wits. Seeing various curses headed his way, Salazar quickly Disapparated silently. Appearing behind them, he silently sent hexes, curses and jinxes at Voldemort's men, catching a few of them by surprise. Not giving his enemies another chance to regroup, Salazar Apparated to another spot, keeping the Death Eaters on the defensive as he appeared and disappeared randomly, giving the impression that there was more than one person casting spells.

In short order, the remaining Death Eaters were nursing numerous burns and cuts while several of them had broken bones.

Assuming that they were outnumbered, the beleaguered group of attackers called for a retreat. Those that were able grabbed their fallen comrades as they Disapparated.

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