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Did I fall asleep,
in another century?

   or backwards
did I fall?

I cannot be sure,
for while writers consistently predict
dystopian viciousness awaits us,
historians sadly, avow it.

Why must Men
                         resort to savagery?

Why must Power
                            equal inhumanity?

In a hyperphysical reality
there is entropy,
I am told
but in hearts there is no need,
for hearts reign beyond the reach
of limiting Logic.

In my mind, I see stern Justice turn,
that coldly beautiful virgin,
point accusingly.

Do you accuse ironically,
Blinded One?

I was once told that to    see    speak    hear    and    do... No
should be my creed.

Well, I SEE It,
I HEAR It,      I F E E L It
and I      will SPEAK      and DO.

No God of Men
would ever sanction what you have done.

Oh, there are
Powers that would glory in it
but They are not
ultimately allied to Man

and though They will wear
whatever mask suits Their ugly purpose
to sow the Chaos
that will bring an End to everything,

do not be
a Fool and be       taken in.     

There is only one Enemy

and that Enemy is common      to Us all.

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