☆ Chapter 14: Guy's Favor Part 1 ☆

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☆ The next day ☆

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☆ The next day ☆

☆ Kakashi POV ☆

An other day an other life is what they say, but why do they say "An other life", Hm I wonder. Then I see Guy coming my way. I leaned againist the tree while I waited for him to come and challenge me. To my surprise he, well, he ran passed me. Why did he run past me all of a sudden? That was not likely of him to do so. I sighed. At least he didn't challenge me today, I guess. I walked away.

☆ End POV ☆

☆ Your POV ☆

Just a normal day in Konoha, am I right? I was just taking a stroll to our training grounds as I see someone in the distance. Was that Kakashi? I walk up to the figure and I was right. I was from a distance he couldn't see me. His back was to me after all. Maybe I should greet him. Just as I was about to greet Kakashi, well because he was in front of me, Guy suddenly stopped in front of me. It looked like he needed something. "Uh yes?" I said confused, looking at him with my head tilted. It is very unlikely for him to not challenge Kakashi. I saw Kakashi leave, damnit Guy! "Oh uh hi (Name)! I wasjust wondering, have you seen Rin and Obito around?" He said looking around the field. "Actually yeah I did!" I recalled while thinking. Guy then stopped looking around.


"Hey Obito! Hey Rin!" You said waving at them. While you walked up to them. You stopped in your tracks and so did they. "Oh hi (Name)!" Rin said hugging you. "Since we have nothing to do today I guess, wanna get some dango with me?" You asked them. Rin and Obito looked at each other then back at you. They nod in unison. "Yeah! I bored as heck y'know!" Obito shouted out while raising his fist up.

☆ Time skip ☆

After you guys got some dango you all separated in other paths, while you take one alone and Obito, Rin take one together. You look at them and wonder, will they ever date yet?! Like come on! THEY LOOK LIKE A FUCKING COUPLE!

☆ End of le Flashback ☆

"Oh, well thats good! I need to ask them something!" Guy said with his "youthful" smile. "I think they went that way," I said pointing at a path they took. "Okay thanks (Name)! Thanks for your youthful time!" He shouted while running to the path I just pointed at. "I- uhm, you're welcome?" I saud waving awkwardly back at him. 'Now where that damn Ka-Ka boi at?' I say while looking around.

☆ End POV ☆

☆ Rin POV ☆

As me and Obito walk through the path that we took Guy here, jump-scared us! It's like I never even saw him coming! "Rin! Obito! I have a favor!" Guy said looking at me and Obito. "And that is?" Obito said crossing his arms. "I need you to help my Youthful Rival Kakashi! To find a partner, a lover! Because he can be very lonely sometimes!" Guy said while punching the air. Poor air. "Also because you are his teammates!" He said looking at us. A light bulb lit up in my head. "Obito! This is our chance to make (Name) and Kakashi a couple!" I whisper shout in his ear. "Oh yeah! Maybe we should accept the favour! Well because he never takes no as an answer if course!" He whisper shouts back.

"So? You guys in?" Guy said with his arms crossed and with a big smile planted on his face. "OH HELL YEAH! WE'RE IN!" Obito shouts, I giggle a bit. "Well then it starts tomorrow! But first let's see who he has interest to." Me and Obito nod. Even though me and Obito already know who he has intrest to. But me and him act like we don't know.

☆ End POV ☆

☆ Your POV ☆

'Where the fuck did Ka-Ka boi go to?' I said trying to look for him. Then I see him gazing at a lake by himself. I go to him and join him. "Hey Kakashi!" I said waving at him. He looks back and gives out a little 'hm?' "Mind if I join you Kakashi?" I ask, "I don't mind." He said looking at me with at closed eye smile, and so did I. Why is he gazing at this lake anyways?

☆ End POV ☆

☆ Obito POV ☆

"Look at them!" I whispered while pointing at Kakashi and (Name) gazing into the lake. I don't know how they find that lake interesting. "Ahhh! They're so cute~!" Rin whispered while fangirling. "Well then, Kakashi and (Name) will be our main objectives! Got it guys?" Guy said while looking at me and Rin. Well of course we nodded.

☆ End POV ☆

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