☆ Chapter 16: Guy's Favor Part 3 ☆

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☆ Your POV ☆

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☆ Your POV ☆

As me and Kakashi were walking down the streets of Konoha we came across Kakashi's dad, Sakumo.

(Hi Weird here, I sneaked into the story, sh. Just pretend that Kakashi's dad is still alive, in this timeline. Anyways, back to the story).

I then greeted him. "Good morning Mr. Sakumo!" I said with a little wave. "Oh, good morning (Name)." He said walking up to me and Kakashi. Then he realized he was interrupting something. "Oh uh, was I interrupting something?" He asked as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh, what do you mean dad?" Kakashi asked while his hands were in his pocket. "What do you mean, "what do you mean dad?" I'm clearly interrupting a date." Sakumo answered while crossing both his arms with a smile. "I-" Before Kakashi would answer I cut him off.

"N-no you got it all wrong Mr. Sakumo! We're not on a date right now!" I said letting go of Kakashi's hand. "Well, if you say so." Mr. Sakumo shruged. Then I felt a hand grab onto my wrist, pulling me into a different direction. While leaving Sakumo confused for a bit.

☆End of POV ☆

☆ Sakumo POV ☆

I looked at (Name) and Kakashi walking away into an other direction. Um, did I do something wrong? I mean they do look like they are having a date. I'm not going to lie though. If they do date, I proud of you son. I said crying to myself on the inside. He is all grown up! Wait, thats Minato's daughter, his own sensei. *Dumbfounded* good luck on trying to get get his approval son.

"Hey! Mr. Sakumo!" I heard I familiar voice yelling out my name, I turn to look it was Obito. With Rin and Guy. "Oh hey, Obito, Rin, Guy, do you all need anything?" I asked looking at the trio. "Yes, have you seen (Name) and Kakashi anywhere?" Obito asked looking all over the place. "Well, I did see them walking away from me, over there." I said pointing at a near by path way. "Oh ok! Thank you!" Obito yelled running to the path way I just pointed at. Rin and Guy followed behind.

Why do they want to know where (Name) and Kakashi went? Meh, kids these days.

☆ End POV ☆

☆ Your POV ☆

"Hey! Kakashi what was that for?" I asked him, stopping him in his tracks. He turned around and maked eye contact with we. "We're being followed." Kakashi said seriously. "W-what? Why?" I asked looking at him. "Not right now, they're coming!" "Wait wha-" before I could say anything, Kakashi pulled me into a near by ally way, pulling me close to him. The fact that I could feel his hand holding mine and the other one covering my mouth. I can't just help but to blush underneath his hand. Man what the heck!

We both stayed silent, until we saw three people in the path way me and Kakashi were in earlier ago. "I could've sworn I saw them both here!" I familiar boy voice said. "Yeah," said an other familiar voice, but a female.

When we saw who they were, they were Rin, Obito, and Guy! Why were they spying on us? "Aw dang it! Our mission has failed! We did nothing but stand around while we spied on Kakashi and (Name)! But didn't get them together!" Obito said as he hung his head. "Oh well we tried." Guy said as he hung his head also. I giggled a bit behind Kakashi's hand. He looked down at me giggling, as he noticed his hand was holding mine and quickly but quietly pulled it away, a little blush on his cheeks appeared.

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