Chapter 3

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Theodore was not awake on the third day, nor the fourth day, and the effects of which were evident in the gradual tightening of Malfoy's jaw and the deepening sneer that greeted Hermione each time she dared venture into their shared room to check Nott's vitals.

"You said he'd be awake by now."

Hermione sighed, pressing her hand to her forehead. The blue light above Nott's abdomen showed steady, healthy vitals. "I said he should be awake by now, not that he would. Magic only extends so far, Malfoy, I can't make him wake up—"

Malfoy snorted, biting violently into a forkful of eggs. " Your magic only extends so far, you mean."

Hermione whirled around, her wand steady in her hand and the blue vital light suddenly vanishing. " Excuse you?"

It had been this way for the past two days. Hermione would visit, check Nott's vitals, and endure a long string of passive insults from Malfoy. She had half a mind to separate Malfoy into a different room, but was too weary of those consequences.

Malfoy's plate clattered as he disposed of it on the dresser and stood, meeting Hermione at eye level from across the room.

"Is there really no one else who can take over here? Someone, I don't know, more experienced?"

Hermione felt a hiss begin in the back of her throat and her hand white knuckling around her wand.

"I have experience , you pompous ferret. Unlike you , I've actually had to deal with the consequences of the war, not lounge about in my mansion eating scones and sipping tea with You-Know-Who."

Malfoy's sneer turned into a snarl, his own hands clenching at his sides as if he were considering reaching for his wand. "Fuck you, Granger. You have no idea what it was like in there."

Hermione scoffed, almost a piercing screech that bounced off the walls and made Malfoy wince. " I have no idea? What was the worst part, Malfoy? The afternoon strolls in the gardens being a tad too chilly or not enough salt in your beef stew?"

Malfoy advanced forward, a growl ripping from his clenched teeth. "Go fuck— "

Hermione lifted her wand, stopping Malfoy in his pursuit. "Back off, Malfoy. You touch me and you and your friend are gone, awake or not."

He stood completely still, but his nostrils still flared and twitched.

"I am completely able to take care of him, Malfoy. No matter what you think of me or my magic."

Only an arms length away, her wand nearly touching his chest, they stared each other down. Both eyes set into slits and their breaths coming in short pants from their noses.

He opened his mouth to say something, probably something demeaning about her magic or her blood, when a rustle came from behind her back.


Malfoy's eyes blew wide, his mouth dropping open to match Hermione's sudden gasp as she turned.

Malfoy brushed past her, his upper arm grazing her shoulder as he bumped her to the side. She would have been enraged by the shove, if not for the relief that flooded her at the sight of an awake, and seemingly coherent, Theodore Nott.

He was licking his teeth and his lips, no doubt trying to restore moisture to his mouth from such a long time without water.

His face was no longer as swollen or bruised as before, thanks to the dittany, and instead Hermione could see the flush of restored life on his cheeks. His curly, dark hair was sticking out on all ends and flat in the back from his prolonged position on the pillows.

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